Healthcare Associated Infection: Ventilator Associated Event (VAE)

Infectious agent: Healthcare Associated Infection: Ventilator Associated Event (VAE)
Description of illness: Ventilator Associated Events (VAEs) are a specific category of healthcare associated infections that are tracked through a national data base developed by and maintained by CDC and referred to as the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). VAEs are identified by using a combination of objective criteria: deterioration in respiratory status after a period of stability or improvement on the ventilator, evidence of infection or inflammation, and laboratory evidence of respiratory infection. Updates to these surveillance definitions are developed and released by CDC, usually on an annual basis. Very specific criteria must be met to determine if an event qualifies as a VAE. VAEs are tracked through NHSN with data shared to appropriate agencies as allowed by the healthcare agency submitting the data through the conferring of rights.
This disease/condition should be reported through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).