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Hurricane Helene
Information for Laboratory Staff
Specimen Collection and Etiology Confirmation
The Guide to Confirming an Etiology in a Foodborne Outbreak
Provides information about etiologic agents (causes), incubation periods, clinical syndromes, and criteria for confirmation of a case after a foodborne disease outbreak has been identified.
Guidelines for Specimen Collection
Can assist laboratorians and outbreak investigation teams on the best methods for collecting specimens for submission and testing.
Reportable Disease Conditions in Tennessee
Reportable Diseases
Provides information for laboratories on what diseases and conditions are reportable and types of specimens required or requested to be sent to the State Public Health Laboratory.
Laboratory Submission Guidelines
These lab reporting requirements apply to all labs located within TN as well as those that test residents of TN, including labs located within healthcare facilities.
The Laboratory List
These lab reporting requirements apply to all labs located within TN as well as those that test residents of TN, including labs located within healthcare facilities.
How to Report for Laboratories
All healthcare providers (inpatient or outpatient), laboratories, or other persons knowing of or suspecting a reportable disease case are responsible for reporting it to the health department.
Laboratory Surveys
Survey of Clinical Laboratories
More than 700 clinical laboratories in the FoodNet surveillance area test specimens from ill people. These laboratories differ in their routine testing practices for foodborne pathogens and in methods they use. Such differences may contribute to variation in the incidence rate of reported infections between FoodNet sites. To understand current practices and to monitor changes in practices over time, FoodNet conducts periodic surveys of all clinical laboratories within the surveillance area.
Tennessee Department of Health Laboratory Services
Laboratory Services
The Mission of Laboratory Services is to provide high quality analytical services of medical and environmental testing and to achieve the Mission of the Department of Health.
Laboratory Directory of Services
Information on testing and shipping of suspected agents.
Clinical Submission Form (PH4182)
All required fields on this field must be filled out when submitting specimens. The patient’s name and DOB must also be put on the specimen tube/vial.
Laboratory Training and Workshops
Here you can find out about all available training opportunities provided by Laboratory Services.