TDSN Pre-Disaster Planning

Persons with Blindness or Visual Impairments
Personal Preparedness and Planning: Visual Disabilities (Accessible Emergency Info)
Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Sensory Disabilities (National Organization on Disability)
Preparedness Tips for People with Visual Disabilities (American Red Cross)
Persons with Chronic Disease including Diabetes
Diabetes Disaster Preparedness (American Association of Diabetes Educators)
Diabetes: Be Prepared (CDC)
Persons with Cognitive and Developmental Disabilities
Personal Preparedness and Planning: Cognitive & Developmental Disabilities (British Columbia Emergency Management)
Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Developmental or Cognitive Disabilities [PDF] (National Organization on Disability)
People who are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, or Deaf-Blind
Special-needs NOAA Weather Radio for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons (NOAA)
Text Alerts Fact Sheet (Community Emergency Preparedness Information Network CEPIN)
Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Sensory Disabilities (National Organization on Disability)
Chattanooga Area: Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (Partnership for Families, Children and Adults)
Jackson Area: Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services (Jackson Center for Independent Living)
Johnson City Area: Communication Center for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (Frontier Health)
Knoxville Area: Knoxville Center of the Deaf
Memphis Area: DeafConnect of the MidSouth
Nashville Area: Bridges
Persons with Mental Illness
Personal Preparedness and Planning: Psychiatric Disabilities (

Persons with Mobility Impairments
Individuals with Disabilities (
Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Mobility Disabilities [PDF] (National Organization on Disability)
Safety First- Evacuation Planning Support Program (Easter Seals)
Fire Risks for Mobility Impaired [PDF] (U.S. Fire Administration)
For Specific Demographic Groups
Animal Owners
Pet/Service Animal Preparedness [PDF] FEMA
Aiding Individuals with Service Animals During an Emergency (U.S. Department of Labor)
Caring for Someone with Dementia in a Disaster (Alzheimer's Association)
Prepare for a Disaster: Information for anyone caring for a newborn (March of Dimes)
Ready Kids (
FEMA for Kids (FEMA)
Children and Disasters (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Children with Special Needs (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Emergency Information Form for Children With Special Health Care Needs (American College of Emergency Physicians)
Helping Children Cope with Disaster [PDF] - also in Spanish [PDF] (Red Cross)
Faith-Based Communities
Disaster Tip Sheets for US Religious Leaders (National Disaster Interfaiths Network)

Senior Adults
Disaster Preparedness for Seniors by Seniors [PDF] (Red Cross)
How to Prepare for Emergencies (Red Cross)
Just In Case: Emergency Readiness for Older Adults and Caregivers [PDF] (U.S. Administration on Aging)
Personal Preparedness and Planning: Seniors (
Women (including Pregnant Women)
Emergency Preparedness and Response: Pregnant Women and Newborns (CDC)
Giving Birth “In Place”: A Guide to Emergency Preparedness for Childbirth (American College of Nurse-Midwives)
Prepare for a Disaster: Pregnancy (March of Dimes)
Prepare for a Disaster: Information for anyone caring for a newborn (March of Dimes)