COOP Contract Page
- SWC 221 - Tires
- SWC 380 - Small Package Delivery Service
- SWC 419 - Mailroom Eqt., Supl. & Maint.
- SWC 423 - Kenwood and BKTech Radio Equip
- SWC 563 - Laboratory Equipment &Supplies
- SWC 3014* - Computer Server Storage
- SWC 3020* - Cloud Managed Services
- SWC 3021* - Comprehensive Cloud Solution
- SWC 3030* – NASPO Data Communications
- SWC 3999 - COTS Software
- SWC 440 - Medical Supplies
- SWC 529 - Pharmaceutical Reverse Distrib
- SWC 530 - Pharmaceutical Products
- SWC 531 - Birth Control Devices
- SWC 533 - Influenza Vaccines
- SWC 564* - Emergency Preparedness Hazmat
- SWC 204 - Vehicle Parts: LT & HD
*Restricted contract - Requires user login into Edison Supplier Portal Account to view documents.