UST Data and Reports
The Tennessee Division of Underground Storage Tanks maintains a database which contains information concerning the Division’s activities. The following information is available for download in a filtered Excel format. These files are updated monthly and contain information that is accurate as of February 03, 2025. If you require information regarding site history, past tank owners, more detailed environmental issues, compliance matters and reimbursement of releases, please contact the Division at (615) 532-0945 and schedule a file review appointment. If you only need assistance regarding the data below, please contact Travis Treece at (615) 517-8098. The Division is providing this information at no charge, therefore limited technical support is available to assist you with interpreting or using the data.
The Division's external GIS dataviewer is now online. Feel free to check out the dataviewer at: The data driving the dataviewer is currently and continuously under review.
Please note: The Division is continuously quality checking data to provide the most up to date and accurate data possible. We do make periodic changes to the structure of the reports as needed and continuously correct data when errors are discovered.
This spreadsheet contains information on all tank compartments that the Division regulates. This file was updated on February 03, 2025.
This spreadsheet contains the information listed by facility instead of compartment. Each reported facility is listed with the corresponding owner. The total number of tanks are listed along with the status of the tanks at a facility. This file was updated on February 03, 2025.
This spreadsheet contains information listed by owner. Each reported owner is listed, along with the total number and active number of facilities currently registered to them. The total number of compartments and their current status is also listed per owner. This file was updated on February 03, 2025.
This spreadsheet contains information of all facilities where any type of environment related activity has occurred due to a tank closure, a suspected release, or a confirmed release. The information contained on this spreadsheet is the owner’s name and address when the environment activities began, the facility’s name when the environmental activities began, the last known consultant’s name working on the site, and the current status of the activities taking place. This file was updated on February 03, 2025.
This spreadsheet contains information of all facilities which have applied for reimbursement from the Tennessee Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Fund.
The information contained on this spreadsheet is the owner's name that made the request, the facility's name and address where the request was made, and the amount that was requested, disallowed, deductible applied, and the amount of the payment. This file was on February 03, 2025.
This is the yearly summary (Oct. 01, 2023-Sept. 30, 2024) of on-site inspections and releases for Underground Storage Tanks. This file was last updated November 2024.
This Page Last Updated: February 3, 2025 at 3:25 PM