Solid Waste Management

The mission of the Division of Solid Waste Management (DSWM) is to protect, improve, and promote health and environmental quality through the responsive, effective oversight of waste management activities and the beneficial use of recovered materials.

Solid waste may be defined as any useless, unused, unwanted, or discarded materials. Hazardous waste, problem waste, toxic substances, and recyclables may be distinguished from other solid waste. DSWM has established focused programs to address each of these. 

You may contact DSWM at or 615-532-0780. If you need to reach a particular staff member, please see our contact list and be sure to consult our organization chart

If you are looking for the former Tennessee Environmental Show of the South (TENSOS), please visit The Tennessee Environmental Network Show of the South for more information. 

Solid Waste Management

The Solid Waste Program regulates material recovery facilities, transfer stations, and landfills for non-hazardous solid waste.

Hazardous Waste Management

The Hazardous Waste Management Program regulates hazardous waste generation, transportation, storage, treatment, and disposal. 

Materials Management

The Materials Management Program deploys strategies of waste reduction, recycling, composting, and the diversion of materials, including problem waste.

Toxic Substances

The Toxic Substances Program works to mitigate health impacts from the release of lead-based paint, asbestos, and PCBs to the environment.


TDEC's SPILS program tracks incidents where petroleum products are released along our roads.

Waste Permits

Learn more about the permits required for landfills, hazardous waste generators, treatment, storage and disposal facilities, etc.

Household Hazardous Waste

The Household Hazardous Waste program helps ensure your waste is disposed of safely through mobile collection events and other services.

Training Opportunities

DSWM offers opportunities for professional development and certification throughout the year.


Use our interactive maps to see where solid waste facilities are located in the state of Tennessee

Regulations and Policies/Guidance

Tennessee's Secretary of State website hosts the effective regulations governing our programs. Policies & guidance documents are posted on the TDEC site.


PFAS are found in many products, like cookware, pizza boxes and stain repellants. However, there is evidence PFAS may adversely affect your health.

Former Blaylock & Brown Construction, Inc. Landfill

TDEC took over operations at the former Blaylock and Brown (EPLEX) Class III Landfill in Shelby County.

Former EWS Landfill

TDEC took over operations at the former EWS Class II landfill in Camden and has closed this landfill. 

Waste Notices & Hearings

These notices advise the public about solid waste permitting actions in the state of Tennessee.

Solid Waste Dataviewer

The dataviewer allows you to search for facility information, inspection reports, complaints, and forms from the convenience of your computer.

Environmental Consultation Requests

This webpage has been created by TDEC to help inform Tennesseans about environmental consultation requests.

If it is hard for you to read, speak, or understand English, please see our Language Assistance webpage for more information about our free language assistance services.

This Page Last Updated: July 12, 2024 at 11:26 AM