Hazardous Waste Annual Report Frequently Asked Questions
A: There are no extensions for the March 1 deadline. We would much prefer that facilities send in an incomplete report with payment to meet the deadline and follow-up with the rest of the report later.
A: As long as your facility has maintained its VSQG status for all of the reporting year AND your facility is listed as VSQG in our system, then you are not required to send in a report. However, the Division of Solid Waste Management always encourages all generators to submit an annual report to keep your records up to date.
- VSQGs that generate hazardous wastewaters that must be treated prior to discharge to a POTW and/or NPDES permit must report their hazardous wastewater waste stream.
- VSQGs with an episodic generation event are required to report.
A: Looking at the HN-EA form that was included in your HW Annual Report package, the generator status that is automatically selected is what your facility was listed as on the date the package was generated.
A: The Responsible Official is the person who signs and certifies that the information provided in the Hazardous Waste annual report is true, accurate, and complete. This certification is a legal attestation that the organization has complied with regulatory requirements regarding hazardous waste management.
A: Yes! To request a credit card authorization form, please email the fiscal department at TDEC.Fees@tn.gov or call (615) 532-0065.
A: Mail check and fee sheet forms to:
State of Tennessee
Department of Environment and Conservation
Division of Fiscal Services – Consolidated Fee Section
Davy Crockett Tower, 6th Floor
500 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243
A: Mail the completed forms and a copy of the annual fee sheet forms to:
State of Tennessee
Department of Environment and Conservation
Division of Solid Waste Management
ATTN: Waste Activity Audit
Davy Crockett Tower, 7th Floor
500 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243
A: You may e-mail your report to Waste.Activity@tn.gov if the HN-CS Form has been signed using an encrypted e-signature or the original, wet-signature copy of the HN-CS Form is physically mailed. If you submit your report electronically, it should be emailed by March 1, 11:59 pm CST.
A: Please contact Jaime Thompson at 615-532-0922 or Jaime.Thompson@tn.gov
A: Notification Requirements (Planned and Unplanned) include submitting the following forms:
• WSR (For all applicable waste streams)
• NF (If waste stream(s) are new, $100 per new waste stream)
Written Required Pertinent Information for Unplanned Events (initial notification within 72 hours of the event):
• Types and quantities of waste generated during the event
• Date Event Began and Ended
• Emergency Contact
Written Required Pertinent Information for Planned Events:
• Types and quantities of waste generated during the event
• Planned Event Start Date (30 days from initial notification date) and Estimated Event End Date
• Emergency Contact
In addition to the submission of the forms listed above, if you provide an initial notification by phone, a written follow-up via email is required. For more information about Episodic Generation Requirements, please view page 68 of the 2023 RY22 Annual Report Workbook.
If your facility does not have an EPA ID number, please visit the Hazardous Waste and Used Oil Forms page for the required forms for Initial Notification to obtain an EPA ID.
A: Small and large quantity generators shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date notification file by:
1. Re-notifying the Commissioner of the following changes in the information submitted within 30 days after such changes by revising or submitting the appropriate notification forms, completed according to the instructions for completing the form:
i. Change in ownership
ii. Change in mailing address, but not the site location;
iii. Change in the mailing point of contact; and
iv. Generating a new hazardous waste stream; and
2. Reviewing the most current notification information on file with the Commissioner, as made available by the Commissioner with the annual viewing the most current notification information on file with the Commissioner, as made available by the Commissioner with the annual
3. A generator planning to cease operating and close the facility, or to cease operating at one site and move to another site, shall notify the Commissioner 30 days prior to ceasing to operate, submit a final annual report in accordance with part (5)(b)2 of this rule, and pay any applicable fees.
4. If ceasing to operate and close the facility, or ceasing to operate at one site to move to another site was not foreseen, the generator shall notify the Commissioner within 30 days of ceasing to operate, submit a final annual report in accordance with part (5)(b)2 of this rule, and pay any applicable fees.
A: Yes! The Division of Solid Waste Management hosts a virtual Hazardous Waste Annual Report Workshop each year in January. This workshop covers how to fill out a hazardous waste annual report for generators and provides facilities an opportunity to ask questions.
A video of the most recent workshop can be viewed anytime throughout the year on the Hazardous Waste Annual Report Workshop page.
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This Page Last Updated: July 9, 2024 at 7:21 PM