Energy Efficiency Registry Framework

The state energy offices for Tennessee, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania were awarded a U.S. DOE State Energy Program Competitive Award to develop a framework for an energy efficiency registry, in cooperation with The Climate Registry (TCR), the National Association of State Energy Officials, and supporting organizations E4TheFuture and APX. The period of performance for this award ran from January 2016 through December 2017.
Overarching objectives of this project included the following:
- Provide states and energy efficiency implementers with a policy-agnostic tool for compliance with existing and future federal and/or state emissions regulations and energy objectives (e.g., economic development, resilience).
- Ease the administrative costs and reporting burden associated with quantifying and verifying the benefits of some energy efficiency programs.
- Provide a mechanism for transparent attribution and ownership of energy savings to facilitate greater private sector investment and a more market-driven approach to energy efficiency and emissions reductions.
In October 2017, the project team released the National Energy Efficiency Registry (NEER) Principles and Operating Rules, which outline a credible, broadly supported reporting and verification standard that could underpin a voluntary energy efficiency market. The project team also published a NEER Roadmap and a series of state-specific NEER Roadmaps that identify potential opportunities for the NEER to support state and regional energy objectives. These materials, as well as additional information on the project, can be found on TCR’s NEER website at
Infographic top right courtesy of TCR.