EmPower TN

The previous administration’s EmPower initiative aimed to reduce energy consumption and costs for State-owned and managed facilities through the implementation of energy efficiency projects and energy management systems. Using energy more efficiently is a critical first step in reducing costs and improving the State’s environmental footprint. 

EmPower TN At a Glance:

   $37.5 million appropriated for State energy efficiency projects in the FY2016 budget.
•   Funding was obligated to 40 energy efficiency projects benefiting 70 State-owned facilities across Tennessee.
   The annual utility savings are $2.4 million/year with an average project simple payback of 14.75 years.
   The measured annual energy savings are 27.6 million kWh.

EmPower TN Energy Conservation Measures:

   Optimization of Building Automation Systems (Existing Building Commissioning)
   Installation of LED lighting and control systems
•   Installation of wireless thermostats for unitary equipment
   Mechanical upgrades for chilled water valves (energy smart digital valves with controls)
•   Replacement of inefficient HVAC equipment
•   Boiler replacements (condensing boilers)
•   Cooling Tower replacements
•   Mechanical upgrades for portable water plumbing systems

EmPower TN Energy Efficiency Projects