Tennessee Division of Archaeology
The Tennessee Division of Archaeology (TDOA) is dedicated to the documentation and preservation of Tennessee's historic and prehistoric archaeological resources. The Division’s responsibilities include 1) maintaining the official State Archaeological Site File and site information archive; 2) working with other State agencies to protect and manage archaeological sites on State lands; 3) surveying the state to identify and record archaeological sites; 4) archaeological site protection and preservation; and 5) archaeological research with the results published in professional and popular formats.
The Division of Archaeology maintains records of all known archaeological sites in the state. The archaeological Site File continues to grow as new sites are recorded and site information is updated. Archaeological investigations carried out on State lands require a permit issued by the TDOA. The Division’s Federal Programs Archaeologist works with the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to review federally funded, licensed, or permitted projects in the state and assess their potential to affect archaeological sites.
The TDOA also provides general archaeological assistance to state and local agencies, law enforcement, municipalities, the development community, universities and colleges, and the general public. Many of the archaeological reports published by the TDOA are available in PDF format and can be downloaded for free through the Archaeological Publications link below. Additional information regarding TDOA services and information about archaeology in Tennessee can be accessed through the other links on this page.
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This Page Last Updated: May 16, 2024 at 4:20 PM