Mineral & Geologic Notices & Hearings

Public Participation Opportunities

Upcoming Public Hearings & Meetings:

Each hearing or meeting listed below has a direct link to the online Meeting. Details on how to connect are included in the public notice document. People who attend the hearing/meeting by phone and who are not able to register online will be given the opportunity to confirm their participation during the hearing. Your participation is appreciated.

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Date Time(CST) Topic
Notice(Link) Location Virtual Link

Virtual Participation Instructions and Guidance

(For participation in public meetings/hearings virtually)

Please note that you may also participate in public hearings by telephone. Call-in information for each hearing, as well as a number to call during the hearing for technical assistance, is provided in each public notice.

Public Participation Opportunities

Permit Public Notices

January 23

  • M2025-02-  Request for Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual NPDES Permits)

January 8

  • M2025-01-  Request for Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual NPDES Permits)

December 18

  • M2024-20-  Request for Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual NPDES Permits)

December 12

  • M2024-19-  Notice of Public Hearing for NPDES Permit TN0070731 issued to Tinsley Sand and Gravel, LLC for a new sand and gravel mine in Marion County.

November 20

  • M2024-18 -  Request for Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual NPDES Permits)

November 13

  • M2024-17 -  Notice of Public Hearing for NPDES Permit TN0070732 issued to Jones Bros. Contractors, LLC for a new limestone quarry in DeKalb County.

November 06

  • NRMS2024-010 -  Notice of Decision to issue the ARAP/401 Certification for proposed alterations of waters to remediate existing impacts from abandoned mine lands under the State's approved Title IV program.