Industrial Stormwater General Permit

Tennessee Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities (TNR050000)

This is a general NPDES permit required for facilities that have significant industrial materials exposed to rainfall and resulting stormwater.

*** Important Update January 2025***

Tennessee’s general industrial stormwater discharge permit, known as the Tennessee Multi Sector Permit (TMSP) expires on June 30, 2025. TDEC is preparing a new one and will notify everyone when the draft permit is available for review and comments.

If you currently have TMSP coverage, you don’t have to do anything now. Information about submitting a digital NOI form via MyTDEC Forms will be sent to active permittees when the new permit is issued. 

If you DO NOT have coverage under the previous TMSP, and your operations will begin before June 30, 2025
, please submit a completed  Notice of Intent (NOI) and stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) to

If you have coverage under the TMSP currently, but no longer need it, please submit the appropriate documentation (No Exposure Certification Form or Notice of Termination Form) immediately. 

Facilities covered by the TMSP can confirm their status by going to the TDEC DataViewer, enter the permit tracking number into the search bar, and drill down to the particular record. On that web page, you will see all relevant facility information, including current effective and expiration date.

TMSP Permit & Associated Documents

TMSP Overview (This video provides a brief overview of the requirements under the Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities)

All new and existing point source stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity require coverage under an NPDES Stormwater Permit from the Tennessee Division of Water Resources. The most common way to obtain coverage is the TMSP, which is available to almost any industry, but there is also an option of obtaining an individual permit.

Coverage under the TMSP is not available for stormwater that meets any of the following characteristics::

  1. is regulated by an individual NPDES permit
  2. receives combined treatment with non-stormwater
  3. is subject to EPA effluent limitations
  4. is subject to another general permit
  5. contributes to a violation of water quality standards
  6. is discharged from inactive mining, inactive landfills or inactive oil and gas operations occurring on federal lands where an operator cannot be identified
  7. is discharged from mining operations with the exception of inactive coal mines and related facilities, construction sand and gravel mining, dimension stone mining and quarrying.

Industries that have no industrial materials and activities exposed to stormwater can submit a no exposure certification form (see below) in lieu of an NPDES permit.

TMSP No Exposure Certification (This video provides an overview of the applicability of the Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit “no exposure” exemption.)

A completed Notice of Intent (NOI) for the Tennessee Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (TMSP) to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity must be submitted at least five (5) days prior to beginning industrial activity at the site. The NOI form requires information regarding the operator/owner, facility, site location and size, industrial activity, material handling, discharging points and water receiving the discharges, existing permits, and other information.

The division will send to the permittee a written Notice of Coverage (NOC), informing the permittee that the NOI was received and stormwater discharges from the industrial activity have been approved under this general permit. The operator is authorized to discharge stormwater associated with the industrial activity as of the effective date on the division prepared NOC. A copy of the NOC shall be kept on site. No public participation is involved; however, the general permit does allow anyone to file a petition with the division asking that general coverage be revoked and an individual permit be required. The TMSP is effective through June 30, 2025.

Annual maintenance fees for the Industrial Stormwater General Permit became applicable in September of 2014. Fees range from zero for the sites less than or equal to 1 acre to $970 for sites greater than or equal to 500 acres. Permittees will be invoiced by the division once the NOI has been processed. The fees can be found in Rule 0400-40-11.

The applicant may proceed with the industrial activity upon receipt of the NOC from the division and must comply with all conditions stated in the general permit. Any planned changes or additions to the facility require the discharger to give notice to the division as soon as possible. A new NOI from the new owner must be submitted at least five (5) days before the facility is sold or transferred.

Applicants must develop a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) prior to submitting an NOI and must submit a copy of the SWPPP with the NOI. Certain categories of industries must conduct annual analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges, with stormwater monitoring reports due 30 days after the sampling results are obtained, but no later than the March 31st of the following calendar year, whichever comes first. Almost all permittees must conduct quarterly visual examinations of stormwater discharges throughout the term of the permit.

The division has the responsibility to take all prudent steps to secure, protect and preserve the waters of Tennessee. The division and the EPA have the right to enter and inspect the facility and all related records at any reasonable time. They also may inspect any related equipment or monitoring methods. The division has the right to require an individual permit at any time if deemed necessary.

TMSP Section 11 Sector Descriptions (Storm Water Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity From....) Summary Permit
A. Timber Products Facilities
A Summary 
B.  Paper And Allied Products Manufacturing Facilities
B Summary
C. Chemical and Allied Products Manufacturing Facilities
C Summary
D. Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials and Lubricant Manufacturers
D Summary
E. Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Product Manufacturing Facilities 
E Summary
F. Primary Metals Facilities
F Summary
G. Metal Mining (Ore Mining and Dressing) Facilities
H. Inactive Coal Mines Not Under SMCRA Bond and Inactive Coal Mining-Related Facilities
H Summary
I. Oil and Gas Extraction Facilities I Summary
J. Construction Sand and Gravel Mining and Processing and Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying Facilities
J Summary
K. Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities
K Summary
L. Landfills and Land Application Sites
L Summary
M. Automobile Salvage Yards
M Summary
N. Scrap Recycling and Waste Recycling Facilities
N Summary
O. Steam Electric Power Generating Facilities, Including Coal Handling Areas 
O Summary
P. Motor Freight Transportation Facilities (TF), Passenger TF, Petroleum Bulk Oil Stations and Terminals, Rail TF, and United States Postal Service TF
P Summary
Q. Water Transportation Facilities That Have Vehicle Maintenance Shops and/or Equipment Cleaning Operations
Q Summary
R. Ship and Boat Building or Repairing Yards
R Summary
S. Vehicle Maintenance Areas, Equipment Cleaning Areas, or Deicing Areas Located at Air Transportation Facilities
S Sampling
S Non-Sampling S
T. Treatment Works
T Summary
U. Food and Kindred Products Facilities
U Summary
V. Textile Mills, Apparel, and Other Fabric Product Manufacturing Facilities
V Summary
W. Wood and Metal Furniture and Fixture Manufacturing Facilities
W Summary
X. Printing and Platemaking Facilities X Summary X
Y.  Rubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, and Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
Y Summary
Z. Leather Tanning and Finishing Facilities
Z Summary
AA. Fabricated Metal Products Industry
AA Summary
AB. Facilities That Manufacture Transportation Equipment, Industrial, or Commercial Machinery
AB Summary
AC. Facilities That Manufacture Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Components, Photographic and Optical Goods
AC Summary
AD. Facilities That Are Not Covered Under Sectors A Thru AC
AD Summary
AE. Facilities That Are Not Covered Under Sectors A Thru AC (no monitoring)
AE Summary
AF. Borrow Pits, Soil Harvesting Sites and Spoil Piles
AF Summary
Tennessee Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit and associated Documents

EPA Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheet Series - EPA fact sheets for the industrial sectors A-AC regulated by the Multi-Sector General Permit. Each fact sheet describes the types of facilities included in the sector, typical pollutants associated with the sector, and types of stormwater control measures used to minimize the discharge of the pollutants.

Applications and assistance can be obtained from the Division of Water Resources.  New applicants who need more than one permit can contact their Environmental Field Office for further assistance.

Applicants seeking coverage under a general or individual Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit for activities associated with a NPDES permit for mining related discharges, a Surface Mining permit, Mineral test-hole permit, coverage under TMSP Sector J, or the Rock Harvesting general permit must submit an application to the Mining Section at the Knoxville Environmental Field Office.  Electronic application submittals and requests for information specific to mining related activities may be received at TNDWR-MINING.E-NOTIFY@TN.GOV.

Form Description Form Number
Notice of Intent (NOI) for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity under the Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit (TMSP) CN-1108
No Exposure Certification for Exclusion From NPDES Stormwater Permitting
Notice of Termination for Termination of NPDES Stormwater Permitting CN-1586
Annual Storm Water Monitoring Report – Use for reporting benchmark results CN-1115
Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form – Use for reporting numeric effluent limits results EPA Form 3320-1

This Page Last Updated: January 8, 2025 at 1:12 PM