Reciprocity of an Out-of-State Radioactive Material License
Who Needs to Apply for Reciprocity?
Any individual in another state who holds a specific license from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State or Licensing State, and issued by the agency having primary jurisdiction, where the licensee maintains an office for directing the licensed activities and at which radiation safety records are normally maintained, and who wishes to possess or use the licensed radioactive material to conduct the activities authorized by such license within the State of Tennessee.
What Information Must I Provide?
Applicants must provide the following information:
1. A copy of a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State or Licensing State Radioactive Material License,
2. Training information to support that the Licensee's Staff has authority to work under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State or Licensing State license,
3. A completed copy of the Division's Request for Reciprocal Operation in Tennessee form.
4. The proper submission of the applicable License Fee as specified in 0400-20-10-.31 in the State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation .
How Is The Application Processed?
Upon receipt of the materials referenced above including the license fees, the application is immediately reviewed for completeness. If necessary, the Division will contact the Reciprocity Licensee via telephone or e-mail to request additional information as applicable. This material can be returned to the Division via e-mail or by fax. The e-mail for Reciprocity matters is and the fax number for Reciprocity is 615-532-0614.
What Fees Are Required?
Reciprocity Fees are equal to Specific Radioactive Material License Fees and are specified in 0400-20-10-.31 in the State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation .
What Are My Rights And Responsibilities After The Initial Reciprocity Request Has Been Made?
The Reciprocity Licensee must notify the Division at least three (3) days prior to each additional entry into this State to engage in such activity.
Although there are rarely glitches in the approval process, the Reciprocity Licensee may not proceed with the approved activities of the Reciprocity request until they are certain the Division has been provided with the required information or confirm with the Division that all required documents and fees have been submitted.
What Are The Division's Rights And Responsibilities After The Initial Reciprocity Request Has Been Made?
The Division has the right to inspect the licensee at any time the licensee is performing regulated activities in the State of Tennessee.
The Division is responsible for regulating sources of radiation in order to protect the health and welfare of the people and environment of the State of Tennessee.
Whom Do I Contact For Applications, Assistance And Other Sources of Information?
Applications and assistance may be obtained by contacting the Manager of X-ray Registration & Machine / Device Permitting for the Division of Radiological Health in Nashville, by e-mail, fax etc.
Applicants may refer to the following publications:
- DRH Rule Chapter 0400-20-10-.29 & .31 State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation, Reciprocal Recognitions of Licenses and Fees for Licenses