Air Pollution from Oil & Natural Gas Operations
On November 30, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed a final rule to reduce emissions of methane and other harmful air pollutants from oil and natural gas operations, including oil and natural gas production, processing, transmission, and storage. As a result, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation's (TDEC) Division of Air Pollution Control (APC) must develop a State Plan for existing oil and gas facilities in Tennessee and submit it to EPA for approval by March 9, 2026.
TDEC plans to meaningfully engage with pertinent stakeholders to develop a State Plan that meets EPA's requirements. We want to hear from you and welcome your input on the State Plan.
Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
Email us Directly. Contact us directly to share your thoughts or request an individual meeting with the Division of Air Pollution Control team working on this effort. Send us an email at
Submit a Written Comment. Use our virtual comment card to submit your written comments. Comments may be submitted anonymously. Submit your written comments.
Join Our Listserv. Add your email to our list to receive updates and reminders through the State Plan’s development. Join our Listserv.
On November 30, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed a final rule that will reduce emissions of methane and other harmful air pollutants from oil and natural gas operations, including oil and gas production, processing, transmission, and storage. The final action includes New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) to reduce methane and volatile organic compounds (VOC) from new, modified, and reconstructed sources. It also includes Emissions Guidelines, which set procedures for states to follow as states develop plans to limit methane from existing sources. The final rule was published in the Federal Register on March 8, 2024.
The EPA’s website contains useful information about the oil and gas rules. A link to EPA’s website is below, along with links to the final rule, rule requirements summary, presentations, and an overview video.
EPA Website on Oil and Gas
EPA Documents
Final Rule and Regulatory Text
Table of Covered Sources by Site: EPA's 2012, 2016 and 2023 Rules (pdf)
Summary of Requirements: Final New Source Performance Standards and Emissions Guidelines (pdf)
EPA Overview Presentation
EPA's Final Rule for Oil and Natural Gas Operations (pdf)
EPA Presentation for Small Business and Industry
Slides from Training for Small Businesses/Industry (pdf)
Small Entity Compliance Guide
EPA Overview Video
The EPA Overview Video gives a broad overview of the final rule.
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s (TDEC) Division of Air Pollution Control must develop a State Plan for existing oil and natural gas facilities in Tennessee and submit it to EPA for approval. The State Plan is due March 9, 2026. The EPA requires that the State Plan include the eight items listed below. As part of the State Plan, TDEC must develop a State Rule that will include items (2) and (3) in the list below. EPA has developed a Model Rule, which States may choose to adopt for their State Rule. The Model Rule can be found at 40 CFR part 60, subpart OOOOc.
- Compliance schedules for each designated facility or logical grouping of designated facilities.
- Standards of performance for designated facilities that are at least as stringent as the emission guidelines contained in 40 CFR part 60, subpart OOOOc. Standards for performance for designated facilities must apply at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction.
- Performance testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
- Documentation of meaningful engagement on such plan.
- Public hearing.
- Provision for state progress reports to EPA.
- Identification of enforceable state mechanisms that was selected for implementing the emission guidelines of this subpart.
- Demonstration of the state’s legal authority to carry out the Clean Air Act section 111(d) state plan.
TDEC is actively engaging with pertinent stakeholders and/or their representatives throughout the State Plan’s development. Such engagement will include efforts to engage industry, small businesses, and the communities most affected by and/or vulnerable to the impacts of the State Plan.
TDEC will employ the best practices developed by its Office of External Affairs to ensure stakeholder engagement is meaningful and robust. Activities will follow TDEC’s Public Participation Scale defined in the Department’s 2024 Public Participation Plan:

There are many ways to engage with the Department as the State Plan develops:
Inform Engagement Activities
The purpose of the “Inform” activities is to share information with external partners.
- Website: It serves as a central hub for State Plan resources and updates.
- Listserv: TDEC will regularly send out updates and engagement touchpoints via an email news blast. Please consider signing up for it:
Consult Engagement Activities
The purpose of the “Consult” activities is to provide and exchange data and share information.
- Individual Meetings: If you are interested in a one-on-one meeting to discuss the plan, please contact the Division at
- Online Comment Card: TDEC will create and distribute an online comment card to capture input and feedback from interested stakeholder and the general public.
- In-Person Public Meetings: TDEC held a public meeting in Livingston (Overton County), TN at City Hall on Thursday, June 16, 2024. View the Livingston presentation here Oil and Gas Presentation. Livingston was originally identified as an area that experiences a greater impact from oil and natural gas operations. After learning more about the regulated community here, TDEC has decided to hold an additional in-person public meeting in Oneida (Scott County) in late August.
- Virtual Public Meeting: TDEC will hold a virtual public meeting via MS Teams on July 11, 2024, from 11:00 - 12:30 PM CDT.
Involve Engagement Activities
The purpose of “Involve” activities is to obtain advice or comments over an extended period.
- Air Pollution Control Board: As the plan develops, the Air Pollution Control Board will be periodically informed of its status. The final rule and the accompanying draft State Plan must ultimately be approved by the Board, as the Division’s overseeing body.
June 6, In-Person Public Meeting in Livingston
July 11, 2024, Virtual Public Meeting
Compressor Stations Breakout Session Slides
Compressor Stations Breakout Session Recording
Wells and Tanks Breakout Session Slides
Wells and Tanks Breakout Session Recording