Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements
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An emission inventory (EI) is a listing, by source, of the amounts of pollutants actually emitted to the atmosphere over a period of time.
The emission inventory is required by Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR Part 51 Subpart A - (Air Emissions Reporting Requirements) and requires that emissions data be collected from certain facilities by all state agencies responsible for regulating air pollution and submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA uses these submittals to build the National Emissions Inventory (NEI). The NEI is a national database of comprehensive estimate of annual air emissions of criteria pollutants, criteria precursors, and hazardous air pollutants from point, nonpoint, and mobile air emissions sources. An updated version of the NEI is released every three years.
** On February 12, 2018, the State of Tennessee Rule for Emissions Inventory Requirements that applies to facilities meeting the criteria specified in 40 CFR Part 51 Subpart A was adopted. The detailed information for this rule is available on the Tennessee Secretary of State publication website.
Facilities whose potential emissions equal or exceed thresholds shown in the tables below for any of the indicated pollutants are required to submit actual emissions data to the Division of Air Pollution Control by June 1 following the year of inventory.
Any facility that fails to respond to an EI submittal request by June 1 of each year, may be subject to enforcement action for violation of the Tenn. Comp. R & Regs Rule 1200-03-10-.05
Calendar Year Thresholds
Thresholds for point source determination are shown in tons per year of potential to emit as defined in 40 CFR part 70. Reported emissions must be in actual tons emitted for the required time period.
Pollutant | Triennial Type B sources |
(1) SO2 | ≥100 |
(2) VOC | ≥100 |
(3) NOX | ≥100 |
(4) CO | ≥1000 |
(5) Lead | ≥0.5 (actual) |
(6) Primary PM10 | ≥100 |
(7) Primary PM2.5 | ≥100 |
(8) NH3 | ≥100 |
Pollutant | Every-year (Type A sources)1 |
(1) SO2 | ≥2500 |
(2) VOC | ≥250 |
(3) NOX | ≥2500 |
(4) CO | ≥2500 |
(5) Lead | Not applicable |
(6) Primary PM10 | ≥250 |
(7) Primary PM2.5 | ≥250 |
(8) NH3 | ≥250 |
1Type A sources are a subset of the Type B sources and are the larger emitting sources by pollutant.
State/Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS)
The State/Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS) is an online internet based system. Each year's emissions inventory report is required to be prepared and submitted through SLEIS by the due date of June 1.
Please Notice that:
- SLEIS will contain Total Emissions (total allowable and total actual emissions). The Division requires facilities to report their permitted allowable emissions limits and total actual calendar emissions.
- Emission inventory submittals must be complete and accurate.
- Download the SLEIS Registration Form (CN-1525) and Instructions
- CSV tool for your aid: SLEIS_CSV_File_Editor_v21.02.08.xlsm and SLEIS_CSV_File_Editor_v21.02.08_Instructions.pdf
- PM10-FIL, PM10-PRI, PM-25-FIL, PM25-PRI and PM-CON are the only acceptable pollutant codes for submittal of particulate matter. APC suggests that the PM specified in the Title V permit most closely correlates to PM10-FIL
- Although reporting of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) is voluntary, we strongly encourage you to report individual HAP emissions. The individual HAP-VOC emissions for each process must be reported in total VOC emissions for each process. The total VOC emissions must be greater than or equal to the HAP-VOC emissions.
- All pollutants specified in the tables above must be reported, not just the pollutants that qualify the source as a point source.
- Minor sources, conditional major sources with federally enforceable permit limits, and sources that are major for HAP only are not required to report emissions. Any sources with actual lead emissions of 0.5 tons per year or more must submit their emissions on a triennial basis.
Attainment/nonattainment designations for criteria air pollutants |
State Implementation Plans (SIPs) for attainment and maintenance of the NAAQS Rule development |
PSD permit reviews |
Air Quality & Human Health Effects Research |
The use of SLEIS for the Actual Emission Analysis Required (AEAR) process is required (Fee calculation and document upload). We do not accept hardcopy documents for the AEAR. All AEAR documents (extension requests, supporting records or documents, final report, etc.) should be submitted through SLEIS as a document upload.
- Fiscal Year Fee Basis - AEAR due July 1, may extend until September 28 upon request
- Due by April 1st
- Annual Title V Fee calculation (estimated)
- Calendar Year Fee Basis - AEAR (may extend until June 30 upon request)
- AEAR extension request submittals (submit through SLEIS)
- Extension Request document (must be uploaded)
- Payment of 65% of estimated Annual Fee
- Annual Title V Fee calculation (estimated)
- The AEAR report is to be signed by the Responsible Official with the Title V Truth and Accuracy Statement using the following language:
“I have reviewed this document in its entirety, and to the best of my knowledge, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information contained in this document are true, accurate, and complete.”
- Your Title V Fee notification letter is available on the TDEC Data Viewer. Please search in the eDocuments tab for your document titled ‘20## T5 Fee Notification Letter’. Then refine your search by typing your company number (##-####).
- Payment (by check) is to be mailed to the address below:
WRS TN Tower, 10th Floor
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
Nashville TN 37243
- Submit the Remittance copy of your letter with your check. Write on your check:
‘APC Title V Fee, Company Number (##-####)’
- For questions, please refer first to the instructions in your Title V Fee notification letter, then if needed email APC.Inventory@tn.gov
Contact Information |
Emission Inventory Group For questions email APC.Inventory@tn.gov ** please refer first to the instruction in your Title V Fee notification letter** |
This Page Last Updated: May 16, 2024 at 1:18 PM