TN ALL Corps
Students across the state had different access to instruction in spring 2020 and throughout the 2020-21 school year. This resulted in lower average proficiency across the state, specifically in math and early reading. Beginning in the 2020-21 school year through summer 2024, the department is investing Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding, or ESSER 3.0, in TN ALL Corps tutoring supports.
Through a grant matching program, TN ALL Corps is available to both school districts and community partners. Combining funding that is available at the state, district, and community levels, Tennessee can dramatically increase the amount of learning time children have access to—helping to mitigate learning loss and accelerate student achievement.
TN ALL Corps Model
There are currently 87 districts across Tennessee that are participating in TN ALL Corps, representing over 200,000 students served over the next three years. Using a research-based model, each participating district has committed to following the TN ALL Corps model composed of:
Over the next three years, the state’s matching-grant approach for tutoring, in combination with summer programming, will serve over 200,000 students, with 50,000 students served in the first year. This will provide 250-500 additional hours of academic instruction each, in the next three years and four summers. The total investment in tutoring between the state and LEA matching grants is projected to be over $200 million.
Educator Video
Caregiver Video
Information for Districts and Tutors
- TAC Vision of High-Quality Tutoring
- LEA Attendance Guidance 2023-2024
- EIS Coordinator Attendance Guide 2023-2024
- TN ALL Corps Tutoring Learning Walk Tool
- Getting Started with TN ALL Corps
- Tutor Lesson Planning Template
- Weekly Consultation Form Template
- TN ALL Corps Guidance for LEAs
- TN ALL Corps Student Selection Protocol
- TN ALL Corps FY23 FAQ
- Family Communication Letter Sample (Spanish Version)
- TN ALL Corps Exemplary Districts and Community Partnerships
- Paper High School Online Tutoring
- TN ALL Corps ePlan Application Guidance
- The department offers two TN ALL Corps Tutor Training courses to fulfil the requirement of tutors being certified to provide TN ALL Corps high-dosage, low-ratio tutoring.
- The Aspiring and Alternative Educator course, designed for non-licensed educators, consists of six asynchronous training modules covering everything from the basics of tutoring to academic best practices. It is more comprehensive and should take approximately 6-8 hours to complete.
- The Licensed Educator course, designed for licensed educators, focuses on best practices in tutoring. It consists of three asynchronous modules and should take approximately 2 hours to complete.
TN ALL Corps / Oct 2023 Convening Links
Content | BFAC Blurb |
Session Deck | The session deck includes the slides that were presented during the virtual convening and the handout for notetaking used in the session. |
Instructional Coherence within Tutoring
Content | BFAC Blurb |
Learning Walk Tool | These resources were used during October Virtual Convening. The Learning Walk Tool was created to support districts in conducting walks of tutoring sessions. The Companion Guide is a resource that can be used to follow up on trends after learning walks have been completed. |
Companion Guide |
August 2023 Convening
Resource Link | Resource Description |
Session Deck | The session deck includes the slides that were presented during the convening and the handout for notetaking used in the session. |
Notecatcher |
Resource Link | Resource Description |
District Case Study-Literacy | These resources were used during our session on Instructional Coherence. The case studies were used to analyze instructional coherence within a district and identify alignment to coherence and opportunities for improvement. The district reflection tool was used to help districts reflect on their own strengths and opportunities for alignment to instructional coherence. |
District Case Study-Math | |
Instructional Coherence District Reflection Tool |
Resource Link | Resource Description |
TAC Vision of High-Quality Tutoring | These resources were used during our session on High-Quality Tutoring in which we discussed the qualities of excellent tutoring. During the session, we watched a video of a tutoring session to look for examples of our vision and collaborated in districts around current alignment to this vision and opportunities for improved alignment. |
Video Transcript |
Resource Link | Resource Description |
Collaboration Stakeholder Guide | These resources were used during our session on collaboration. Districts reflected on the collaboration along stakeholders and identified strengths and opportunities for growth. |
October Virtual Convening Registration
Registration is now open for the October 2023 TN ALL Corps Virtual Convening! TN ALL Corps district teams that participate in the convening will work collaboratively to:
- Review a Learning Walk Tool tailored to high quality tutoring
- Practice using the Learning Walk Tool
- Collaborate with districts to Launch Learning Walks
These convenings will take place on October 3 and October 17 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CT. Participants may choose to attend either session based on availability, as the session content will be the same.
To register to attend the convening, please complete this form. We hope to see you there!
TN ALL Corps Community Partner Guide: To support community partners in developing projects to expand and extend the capacity of district TN ALL Corps programs.
The Connected Literacy Program provides tutoring support to students in grades 1-3. Tutoring is grounded in Tennessee’s Foundational Skills Curriculum Supplement. The primary focus of Connected Literacy is to provide vital early grades literacy support, resulting in more students becoming proficient readers over the next few years. This work connects to the Tennessee Department of Education’s (TDOE) Best For All strategic plan and is positioned within Tennessee’s Accelerate TN initiative as it provides students with quality foundational literacy skills tutoring.
Connected Literacy grants are awarded to TDOE approved community partners who work with a district to recruit tutors and families, coordinate, and schedule learning supports, and provide family engagement opportunities.