LEA and Charter School Waiver Requests

Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-1-201(d), upon application by the local education agency for one (1) or more of its schools, the commissioner of education may waive any state board rule or statute that inhibits or hinders the LEA's ability to meet its goals or comply with its mission. Waivers may be requested by submitting a completed Local Education Agency Wavier Request to LEA.Waivers@tn.gov. Following review by the commissioner, the LEA will be notified in writing if the waiver request is approved or denied. Unless otherwise stated, all waivers granted by the commissioner shall be granted for one-year terms. Waivers may not be granted by the commissioner for regulatory or statutory requirements related to:

·       Federal and state civil rights;

·       Federal, state and local health and safety;

·       Federal and state public records;

·       Immunizations;

·       Possession of weapons on school grounds;

·       Background checks and fingerprinting of personnel;

·       Federal and state special education services;

·       Student due process;

·       Parental rights;

·       Federal and state student assessment and accountability;

·       Open meetings;

·       Educators' due process rights;

·       Reductions in teachers' salaries;

·       Employee rights, salaries and benefits; and

·       Licensure of employees.