Education Choices in Tennessee

Public Schools
Tennessee public schools educate students throughout 147 school districts and more than 1,700 public schools across the state. To find contact information for a district or school, search the school directory.
Charter Schools
Charter schools are operated by independent, non-profit governing bodies and are offered in some school districts. For more information, including answers to frequently asked questions, see the charter schools page.
Non-Public Schools
Non-public schools include accredited private schools, church schools, special purpose schools and more. Additional information and an updated list of more than 600 non-public schools in Tennessee is available on the non-public schools page.
Home Schools
Tennessee parents can teach their students at home or by affiliating with church-related schools. Laws, forms and requirements can be found on the home schooling page.
Education Savings Account Program
The ESA program allows eligible students who are zoned to attend Memphis-Shelby County Schools, Metro Nashville Public Schools, Hamilton County Schools, or a school that was in the Achievement School District (ASD) on May 24, 2019, to use state and local money toward education expenses, including tuition and/or fees at approved non-public schools. For more information, please visit the ESA Website.
The Individualized Education Account Program
The Individualized Education Account (IEA) program provides options for parents and students with disabilities to choose the education opportunities that best meet their own unique needs through access to public education funds. For more information, including answers to frequently asked questions, see the IEA page.