TN Teacher Jobs Connection
Connect with schools through the new Teacher Job Search Platform!
In January 2025, TDOE launched a new Teacher Job Search Platform. This new platform is a one-stop-shop for current andrising educators to find jobs they’ll love in Tennessee. It automatically aggregates all schools and job postings across thestate, without district administrators having to post jobs manually, and gives teachers the ability to filter for jobs that meettheir preferences. They can see critical information like commute time and salary scales all in one place. The platform alsoallows qualified teachers to proactively connect with principals, to see if they might be a fit for their openings, or to signup for a free job matching service.
Current and rising educators can click here to get started and find a TN teaching job you’ll love!
How can a job-seeker participate?
Use the new Teacher Job Search Platform to accelerate your job search and find a teaching job you’ll love. This resource ispart of TDOE’s commitment to supporting educators by making it easier to discover and apply for opportunities that alignwith your goals. You can:
- View the most up-to-date directory of all teaching jobs statewide
- Find key information like commute time & salary schedules
- Network with principals & get quick feedback on whether it’s a fit
To get started, click here. Teachers can browse schools and connect with principals directly. You can also complete yourprofile to take advantage of the concierge matching service, to get matched with great schools that meet your specific jobsearch criteria.
Who should participate?
The TN Teacher Job Search Platform is open to educators who are both currently licensed to teach in Tennessee, as well asrecent graduates, or out-of-state job seekers who are not yet licensed. Teachers who are not yet licensed may alsoparticipate because they may be in the process of getting their Tennessee teaching license and/or a district could potentiallyhire them on a permit.
More information on acquiring a Tennessee teaching license here.
How will districts receive job seeker information?
The TN Teacher Job Search Platform is hosted by our technology partner, Nimble. TN principals will automatically receive aweekly digest of teachers who have expressed interest in their schools, or who have been matched with them through theconcierge matching service. When they see a potential fit for their school, they can choose to “connect” and an emailintroduction will automatically be made between the teacher and principal. Educators can create an account, update theirprofiles, and track their school matches by clicking Create Your Profile at the top of the page.
Technical Support
The new Teacher Job Search Platform is brought to you in partnership with Nimble. For technical support, teachers canreach out to