Summer Training 2018
In June of 2018, the department offered follow-up training on the revised Tennessee Academic Standards for Mathematics to teachers. Training sessions were organized by grade band and focused on aligned systems of assessment.
Intended Audience
3-12 Math teachers
Courses Offered
There were 3–5, 6–8, and 9–12 grade band course offerings.
Training Materials
In June of 2018, the department offered training on the new Tennessee Academic Standards for Fine Arts. The training focused on year one implementation of the new standards. The Fine Arts standards can be viewed and downloaded on the Fine Arts Standards page. Additional resources can be viewed and downloaded from the resources section on the Fine Arts Standards page. Training materials for teachers can be viewed and downloaded below:
Intended Audience
K-12 Fine Arts teachers
Courses Offered
There were K-12 sessions for Music, Media and Visual Art, and Dance and Theatre.
Training Materials
The department also offered training for content leaders. This training equipped a team of 3 district designated content leaders to facilitate training for school leaders and teachers to prepare them for implementation of the revised standards.
District teams attended a one-day training in December of 2017. The training provided a broad overview of the new Tennessee Academic Standards for Science and delivered content based on how districts can best support their schools and educators.
In June of 2018, the department will offer training for school leaders on the new Tennessee Academic Standards for Science. The training will focus on the three components of the new standards: Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts and setting expectations for classroom instruction and how to observe and evaluate teachers in alignment with the new standards.
In June of 2018, the department offered training for teachers on the new Tennessee Academic Standards for Science. Training sessions were organized by grade level and focused on the three components of the new standards: Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts.