Licensure Resources
The endorsement codes listed below may be issued on a Tennessee educator license. A list of retired academic and occupational endoresement codes is available here. To determine which endorsement(s) may be used to teach a specific course, visit the Correlations of Course and Endorsement Codes page.
Endorsement | Code |
Endorsement | Code |
If the form for a desired licensure transaction is not listed below, the entire transaction must be completed in TNCompass. The forms below may be uploaded in TNCompass with the licensure transaction submission.
Initial License
Out-of-State Educator Preparation Verification (Attach completed form in TNCompass prior to submitting the licensure application.)
Out-of-State Instructional Leader Preparation Verification (Attach completed form in TNCompass prior to submitting the licensure application.)
Postsecondary Educator (PSE) Application Form (Attach completed form in TNCompass prior to submitting the licensure application.)
Occupational Education
Occupational Experience and Qualification
Occupational Pathway Recommendation Form
Other Forms
Application for Additional Endorsement Completed Out-of-State (Form may be uploaded as part of TNCompass application.)
Experience for Advancement Guidance and Form
Clinical Mentor Service Verification Form
Professional Development Points Guidance and Verification Form
The following documents provide additional support and guidance related to educator licensure and preparation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Guide
Educator Licensure Operating Procedures for Districts
Licensure Advancement Application Checklist
Licensure Renewal Application Checklist
Reactivation Guide - Academic Licenses
Out-of-Country Applicant Checklist
Out-of-State Transaction Guide.
Tennessee Literacy Success Act Training and Licensure Requirements