Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System

In Tennessee, student growth is measured by the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS). This measure is different from student proficiency that is scored on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP). TVAAS demonstrates where students performed academically at a single point in time. On the other hand, growth represents that not all students start at the same place with their learning, but every student should learn and grow throughout the school year. In calculating a TVAAS score, a student’s performance is compared relative to the performance of his or her peers who have performed similarly on past assessments.
The TVAAS site allows school and district users to access student growth reports based on their user classification. Public users can also access school- and district-level TVAAS data by browsing the TVAAS public reporting site.
Schools, districts, parents, and community members can access previously published TVAAS data via Data Downloads. Districts can access the current TVAAS data files for teachers, schools, and the district on the Accountability application. Districts and schools can also access current TVAAS student reports on the TVAAS restricted site. Click here for more information about managing access to the restricted site.