Interested in TNInvestco Funding?

Update: The form is now closed. Thanks for your interest in the TNInvestco program. 

If you are a start-up businesses and you are interested in being funded by a TNInvestco, please review the information on this page and submit the form at the bottom of the page. The form will be submitted directly to the TNInvestcos for their review and consideration. Note: Any information that is submitted will be subject to open records laws of the state.

In order to be considered a qualified business recipient of TNInvestco funding; your business must meet the following criteria:

  1. It is headquartered and its principal business operations are located in Tennessee
  2. At least sixty percent of its employees are located in Tennessee
  3. It has not more than one hundred employees
  4. It is not principally engaged in:
    • professional services provided by accountants, doctors, or lawyers
    • banking or lending
    • real estate development
    • insurance
    • oil and gas exploration
    • direct gambling activities
  5. It is not a franchise of and has no financial relationship with a TNInvestco or any affiliate of a TNInvestco prior to a TNInvestco’s first qualified investment in the business

For more information on the TNInvestco program, please read Public Chapter 610, Tennessee Small Business Investment Company Credit Act.

Disclaimer: Information submitted is subject to FOIA requests.

Note: The purpose of the TNInvestco Act is to encourage and support investments in qualified small businesses that have the potential to transform the State of Tennessee’s economy. Companies like FedEx and HCA were founded by entrepreneurs and eventually backed by venture capital investors. These companies have had a transformational impact on the state’s economy through the jobs, wealth and tax revenues made possible, directly or indirectly, by the efforts of the entrepreneurs that turned vision into reality and the investors that fueled their ambition. The goal of this program is to create opportunities for such economic growth in Tennessee and the TNInvestco program will only invest in businesses that meet the program’s aforementioned goals.