Acronyms and Organizations
Acronym | Full Name | Website |
AAAD | Area Agency on Aging and Disability (9 total in Tennessee) | |
AAPD | American Association for People with Disabilities | |
AARP | Formerly the American Association of Retired Persons (now just AARP) | |
ACA | Affordable Care Act | |
ACCENT | Automated Client Certification and Eligibility Network | |
ACL | Administration for Community Living | |
ACLF | Assisted Care Living Facility | |
ACMS AAAD | Aging Commission of the Mid-South Area Agency on Aging and Disability | |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act | |
ADA | Average Daily Attendance (Senior Center Census) | |
ADA | Age Discrimination Act | |
ADDGS | Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grant to the States | |
ADL | Activities of Daily Living (Also see IADL) | |
ADRC | Aging and Disability Resource Center | |
ADRD | Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders | |
AG | Attorney General | |
ARMD | Age-Related Macular Degeneration | |
AHA | American Hospital Association (Also see THA) | |
AIRS | Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (Also see IR) | |
Alliance | Alliance for Disability Policy of Tennessee (CDD, The Arc, DLAC, United Cerebral Palsy of Middle TN & SILC of TN) | |
AoA | Administration on Aging | |
APS | Adult Protective Services | |
The Arc | The Arc of Tennessee | |
ARCH | Access to Respite Care & Help | |
ASA | American Society on Aging | |
BEC | Benefits Enrollment Center | |
BHO | Behavioral Health Organization | |
CAN | Caregiver Action Network | |
CAT | Conservatorship Association of Tennessee | |
CDD | Council on Developmental Disabilities (State DD agency) | |
CDSMP | Chronic Disease Self-Management Program | |
CFA | Community Food Advocates of Middle TN | |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | |
Choices | Medicaid Waiver Program in Tennessee | |
CIL | Center for Independent Living (Also see SILC) | |
CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (Formerly: Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)) | |
CNCS | Corporation for National and Community Service (Includes VISTA & AmericorpsVISTA programs) | |
Coalition | Tennessee Disability Coalition | |
COA | Council on Aging (See NCOA) | |
COB | Close of Business (a deadline – due COB) | |
COBRA | Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act | |
CQI | Continuous Quality Improvement (Also see QI & QA) | |
CREA | Coordinated Response to Elder Abuse | |
CSBG | Community Service Block Grant | |
DD | Developmental Disability (Disability acquired before the age of 22) | |
DD | Development District (Nine regions in TN) | |
DD Act | The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 | |
DDS | Disability Determination Services | |
DHHS | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | |
DHS | Department of Human Services | |
DIDD | Department of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (formerly DMRS) | |
DLWD | Department of Labor and Workforce Development | |
DMHSAS | Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services | |
DNR | Do Not Resuscitate | |
DOB | Date of Birth | |
DOD | Date of Death | |
DOH | Department of Health | |
DRS | Division of Rehabilitation Services (See also VR) | |
DRT | Disability Rights Tennessee | |
ECD | Economic & Community Development | |
ESC | Emergency Services Coordinator | |
ESRD | End Stage Renal Disease | |
ETAAAD | East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability | |
F&A | Department of Finance & Administration | |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency (Also see TEMA) | |
FFY | Federal Fiscal Year (Oct. 1 – Sept. 30) | |
FGP | Foster Grandparent Program | |
FOA | Funding Opportunity Announcement | |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level (aka Federal Poverty Guidelines) | |
FTAAAD | First Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability | |
FY | Fiscal Year (Tennessee's is July 1 – June 30) | |
GSA | Gerontology Society of America | |
HA | Home for the Aged | |
HCBS | Home and Community Based Services (Also see LTSS) | |
HDM | Home Delivered Meals | |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act | |
HRA | Human Resources Agency (9 regions in Tennessee) | |
HUD | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | |
I&A | Information and Assistance (Also see IR and AIRS) | |
IADL | Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (Also see ADL) | |
ICF | Institutional Care Facility (Also see ICF/MR) | |
ID | Intellectual Disability | |
ID/D | Intellectual & Developmental Disability | |
IR or IR/A | Information and Referral/Assistance (Also see I&A and AIRS) | |
IT or ITS | Information Technology (Systems) (Also see MIS) | |
LIHEAP | Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program | |
LIS | Low-Income Subsidy (Help with Medicare Part D premiums) | |
LOC | Letter of Conservatorship | |
LOC | Level of Care | |
LTC | Long-Term Care | |
LTCO | Long-Term Care Ombudsman | |
LTSS | Long Term Services & Supports (Also see MLTSS) | |
MAGI | Modified Adjusted Gross Income | |
MCO | Managed Care Organization (Also see BHO) | |
MHAMT | Mental Health America of Middle Tennessee (formerly Mental Health Association of Middle Tennessee) | |
MI | Mental Illness (Also see SPMI & SED) | |
MIS | Management Information Systems (Also see IT) | |
MLTSS | Managed Long-Term Services & Supports | |
MR | Mental Retardation *This term is outdated, no longer in regular use. It appears in older documentation, which is why it appears in this list. You should use the term Intellectual Disability when creating new material. (See ID and DIDD) | |
MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area | |
MSP | Medicare Savings Programs (Also see QMB, SLMP, QI, QDWI) | |
MW | Medicaid Waiver (See SSW & Choices) | |
N4A | National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (Also see TN4A and SE4A) | |
NACO | National Association of Counties | |
NAHC | National Association for Home Care & Hospice | |
NAMI | National Alliance on Mental Illness | |
NAMP | National Association of Meals Programs | |
NANASP | National Association of Nutrition & Aging Services Programs | |
NARFE | National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association | |
NASUAD | National Association of States United for Aging & Disabilities | |
NCVQLTC | The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care (formerly National Citizens’ Coalition for Nursing Home Reform) | |
NCOA | National Council on Aging | |
NFCSP | National Family Caregiver Support Program (See Title III-E) | |
NGA | National Governors Association | |
NGA | National Guardianship Association | |
NH | Nursing Home (Also see NHF & SNH) | |
NHF | Nursing Home Facility (Also see NHF & SNH) | |
NIA | National Institute on Aging | |
NISC | National Institute of Senior Centers/National Council on Aging (see NCOA) | |
NSIP | Nutrition Services Incentive Program | |
NWD | No Wrong Door (Access to services) (Also see SPE & SPOE) | |
OAA | Older Americans Act (The federal legislation that created State Units on Aging and Area Agencies on Aging.) | |
OIG | Office of Inspector General | |
OIR | Offices of Information Resources (State office that plans, maintains, and supports the use of all State information technology.) | |
Olmstead | The Olmstead Decision (The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that there should be community options for people with disabilities.) | |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget | |
OPTIONS | OPTIONS for Community Living Program (State Funded HCBS) | |
Pathfinder | Tennessee Disability Pathfinder (I&R Service) | |
PAE | Pre–Admission Evaluation (The document signed by the physician upon which medical eligibility for nursing home and HCBS Waiver services are based.) | |
PD | Physical Disability | |
PERS | Personal Emergency Response System | |
PG | Public Guardian for the Elderly | |
PIF | Participant Information Form (Used in senior centers.) | |
PSA | Planning & Service Area (Used to describe the AAAD regions.) | |
PSSA | Personal Support Services Agency | |
QA | Quality Assurance | |
QDWI | Qualified Disabled Working Individual (Helps with Medicare Part A premium) | |
QI | Qualifying Individual (Help with Medicare Part B premiums) | |
QI | Quality Improvement (Also see CQI) | |
QMB | Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (Dually eligible, helps with Medicare premium, deductibles, copayments, & co-insurance) | |
RFP | Request for Proposals | |
RHA | Residential Homes for the Aged | |
RSVP | Retired & Senior Volunteer Program | |
SAM | System for Award Management | |
SAMS | Social Assistance Management Software | |
SCSEP | Senior Community Service Employment Program | |
SD | Self-Determination | |
SE4A | Southeastern Association of Area Agencies on Aging | |
SES | Single Entry System (Also see SPE or SEP & NWD) | |
SF | State Funded | |
SHIP | State Health Insurance Assistance Program (Also see TN SHIP) | |
SILC | Statewide Independent Living Council of TN | |
SLMB | Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary | |
SMP | Senior Medicare Patrol (Formerly SMPP) | |
SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program | |
SNH/SNF | Skilled Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facility (Also see NH) | |
SP | Service Provider | |
SPE/SPOE/SEP | Single Point of Entry/Single Entry Point (Access to services) (Also see SES & NWD) | |
SPMI | Seriously and Persistently Mentally Ill | |
SRT | State Reporting Tool (Formerly NAPIS) | |
SSA | U.S. Social Security Administration | |
SSDI | Social Security Disability Insurance | |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income | |
SSN | Social Security Number | |
SUA | State Unit on Aging (see TCAD & NASUAD) | |
SWW | Statewide Waiver (See MW and Choices) | |
TA | Technical Assistance | |
TAADP | Tennessee Association of Adult Day Care Providers | |
TALS | Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services | |
TAHRA | TN Association of Housing & Redevelopment Agencies | |
TAHRA | TN Association of Human Resource Agencies | |
TASC | Tennessee Association of Senior Centers | |
TBI | Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (Investigates elder abuse) | |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury | |
TCA | Tennessee Code Annotated | |
TCAD | Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability (the site you're on currently) | |
TCSW | Tennessee Conference on Social Welfare | |
TDDA | Tennessee Development District Association | |
TDOT | Tennessee Department of Transportation | |
TEMA | Tennessee Emergency Management Agency | |
TennCare | Tennessee Department of F&A, Bureau of TennCare (State Medicaid Agency) | |
TFA | Tennessee Federation for Aging | |
THCA | Tennessee Health Care Association (Nursing Home Operators) | |
THCC | Tennessee Health Care Campaign | |
THDA | Tennessee Housing Development Agency | |
Title III-B | Part of the OAA – Services for seniors | |
Title III-C | Part of the OAA – Nutrition services for seniors | |
Title III-E | Part of the OAA – Caregiver services | |
Title VI | Part of the Civil Rights Act - Non-discrimination | |
Title VII | Part of the OAA - Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection | |
Title XIX (or just XIX) | Part of the Social Security Act (Grants to States for Medicaid Programs) | |
TN4AD | TN Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disability (Also see SE4A and N4A) | |
TNAHSA | Tennessee Association Homes and Services for the Aging | |
TN SHIP | Tennessee State Health Insurance Assistance Program (Also see SHIP) | |
TMA | Tennessee Medical Association | |
TRC | Tennessee Rehabilitation Center | |
TRC | Tennessee Respite Coalition | |
TTAP | Tennessee Technology Access Progra | |
TVS | Tennessee Veterans Services | |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture | |
VA | Veterans Affairs | |
VD-HCBS | Veteran Directed Home & Community Based Services | |
VITA | Volunteer Income Tax Assistance | |
VOAD | Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster | |
VOR | Volunteer Ombudsman Representative | |
VR | Vocational Rehabilitation Services (See also DRS |