MyRide TN

Over 227,437 rides were provided with TCAD/Older Americans Act funding in 2017.

MyRide TN is an expanding, sustainable, senior-friendly volunteer transportation service that has taken root in Tennessee. Volunteer drivers use their personal vehicles to carry older Tennesseans to a variety of destinations, including medical appointments and grocery stores. Rides are provided Monday–Friday and priority is given to doctor appointments.  

Participants are 60 years of age and older, live independently and walk independently (or with assistance from walkers or canes), but do not drive. *To date, Knox County is the only area to provide transportation to those in wheelchairs. Volunteers are screened, trained, coordinated and monitored to ensure safe and secure door-through door service.

All MyRide TN drivers must have a valid Tennessee license, a clean driving record, and proof of insurance. Additionally, MyRide providers purchase excess auto, medical and liability insurance for volunteers, drivers who are also safeguarded by state and federal Volunteer Protection laws.

MyRide is a membership program, and each program determines the membership fee and the per ride cost. For availability across the state, scan the page below.


West Tennessee

  • MyRide West TN (serving Chester, Madison and Henderson Counties)

  • iTN Memphis (operates in the I-240 loop in Shelby County)
  • MyRide Northwest Tennessee (serving Crocket and Gibson Counties)

Middle Tennessee 

  • MyRide Bedford
  • MyRide Maury
  • MyRide Upper Cumberland (Serving Cumberland, Putnam, and Warren Counties)
    1-833-9MyRide (833-969-7433)
  • SeniorRide Nashville (Davidson County)
  • MyRide Lawrence County
    931-244-RIDE (7433)
  • Community Life Bridge (Hendersonville, Gallatin, Goodletsville, and Portland)
  • WayToGo Fairfield Glades (Fairfield Glade community only)
  • Wilson Rides (Wilson County)

East Tennessee

Bringing MyRide TN to Your Area

This is a slow process—well worth the effort, but slow nonetheless. MyRide requires coordination and approval among multiple entities, careful documentation, and the support and hard work of more than a few people.

The expense of bringing the program to each area is different because the cost is based upon  an assessment of local need. But the general operation of the program is more or less the same.


Do you have questions about MyRide TN? Contact us at to begin the conversation.