TEIS Extended Option
Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS) now serves eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays from birth until the start of the school year following the child’s 5th birthday. This means families of children who are eligible for IDEA Part B services will have the choice to continue with TEIS services until their child reaches school age. This extension offers families an additional option to consider as they help their children develop and prepare for school.
TEIS Extended Option Policy Statement
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for the process for a family to choose the TEIS Extended Option to receive early intervention services through an IFSP beyond age 3.
View the TEIS Extended Option Policy Statement
TEIS Extended Option One Pager
An overview of the TEIS Extended Option.
Click here to view the TEIS Extended Option One Pager.
TEIS Extended Option - What Families Need to Know
An overview of a family's options through the TEIS Extended Option.
TEIS Extended Option - What Families Need to Know - in Arabic, in Spanish
LEA Training Resources
TEIS Extended Option: Partnering with Local Education Agencies (LEAs)
The course linked below is tailored specifically for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and highlights the partnership with TEIS through the TEIS Extended Option. The training provides a comprehensive look at TEIS Extended Option and transition events such as the Transition Planning Conference, decision meetings, and more.
TEIS Extended Option: Partnering with Local Education Agencies - Overview | Rise 360 (articulate.com)
TEIS Pathway
Understand the pathway from making a TEIS referral to transition.
Click here to view the TEIS Pathway.
TEIS Extended Option for Families
The presentation linked below is tailored specifically for families to learn about the TEIS Extended Option. The presentation reviews a family's choices, eligibility, and transition support.
Click here to watch the recorded presentation.
Click here to view the presentation slides.
TEIS Extended Option for Providers
The presentation linked below is tailored specifically for early intervention service providers to learn about the TEIS Extended Option.
Click here to watch the recorded presentation.
Click here to view the presentation slides.
Prior to implementation, a child received services from TEIS until they turn 3. Then, if eligible, the child may receive services in the school system from age 3 until age 22.
The extension of TEIS services up to the start of school following the 5th birthday provides eligible families with the choice to either continue services through TEIS or transition to the school system any time after the child turns 3.
TEIS Service Coordinators work with the family and local school district to make sure the family has a smooth transition to services provided by the school system.
To be eligible for the TEIS Extended Option, a child must meet the following criteria:
- Enrolled in TEIS prior to the age of 3
- Eligible for special education services in the local school district
- Turn 3 on or after October 15, 2022
Once a child transitions to special education services in the school, they cannot return to TEIS services.
If a child is referred to TEIS after his or her 3rd birthday, the child will not be eligible to begin TEIS services. The family would work with their local school district to receive services.
If a family chooses to leave TEIS services after the child turns 3, that child cannot return to TEIS services.
*What is an IEP?
An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan that is developed for a child with a disability to ensure they receive the supports and services they need to thrive in school.
The Arc of TN and TNStep have developed resources to support families through the decision-making process after age 3.
- Supporting Family Decision One Pager - also available in Arabic | Spanish
- Should I Stay or Should I Go - also available in Arabic | Spanish
- Notification of Exit Companion Guide - also available in Arabic | Spanish
Family Engagement in Special Education is a collaborative project of The Arc Tennessee and the Tennessee Department of Education.
They help to empower parents and caregivers and increase family engagement in Special Education. This group consists of a team of individuals with background experiences as educators, mental health professionals, parents, caregivers of individuals with disabilities, and disability-related fields. The family engagement team members can provide knowledge and support from an educator and parent perspective. You can think of them as the bridge that connects your family to your school in a variety of ways.
Find success in your Special Education experience. Visit www.FamilyEngagementTN.com.

TNSTEP is a statewide organization that supports families of children and youth with disabilities from ages 3 to 26 by providing parent training, the latest and most relevant information and resources, and other supports to those navigating special education in Tennessee. TNSTEP believes that parents and caregivers are their children’s best advocates, that youth with disabilities should be self-advocates, and that no family should have to walk the path alone. More information can be found at www.tnstep.info.
Refer a child to TEIS
You may make a referral to TEIS by completing our online referral form or by calling (800) 852-7157. The referral form can also be found in the MyTN app, available on your app store.
Please be prepared to provide the child’s name, date of birth, county of residence, parent information (if someone other than the parent calls), and reason for referral.
Contact Our Referral Team
Email: DD.TEIS_Referrals@tn.gov (note the underscore between "TEIS" and "Referrals")
Phone: (800) 852-7157
Fax: (615) 401-7714