Katie Beckett Waiver

What is the Katie Beckett Program?

Tennessee’s Katie Beckett program is for children under the age of 18 with disabilities or complex medical needs.  This program is for children who are not Medicaid eligible because of their parent’s income or assets.

This program has two parts, A and B, and will provide services and/or help pay for medical care that private insurance does not cover.

To apply for Tennessee’s Katie Beckett Program, follow the steps below:

  1. The application will start with a self-referral online at TennCare Connect. To begin a self-referral, you must create a TennCare Connect account. You can find the TennCare Connect site and instructions on how to create an account here: https://tenncareconnect.tn.gov/services/homepage
  2. Filling out the self-referral online is the fastest way to apply for the program. But if you don’t have a computer, a DDA case manager can help you complete the self-referral. To get help, call the DDA office in your region:

    - West Tennessee Regional Office: (866) 372-5709                
    - Middle Tennessee Regional Office: (800) 654-4839
    - East 
    Tennessee Regional Office: (888) 531-9876
  3. Once you complete the self-referral, a DDA case manager will contact you to conduct an assessment. Be ready to provide medical documents that clearly identify your child’s condition and/or proof of intellectual disability at the time of the assessment. Please note: your child’s enrollment could be denied or delayed if you are unable to provide these supporting documents when we meet. 

A DDA Case Manager will contact you to conduct an assessment.  In addition, if a child may possibly qualify for Part A (or upon request), a third-party assessment will be conducted that includes a review by a medical professional. 

At the same time, TennCare will also be conducting a financial review.  An application process flow is linked below.  

For families who have been receiving funding through the Family Support Program, Family Support Guidelines prohibit a person from receiving both waiver services and family support funds. This would include services offered in both Part A and B of the Katie Beckett Program.  DDA and local Family Support agencies work closely to coordinate the expiration of Family Support funds upon enrollment into Katie Beckett.   

For assistance filling out the application or general questions about the program, please call your local regional DDA office:

- West Tennessee Regional Office: (866) 372-5709
- Middle Tennessee Regional Office: (800) 654-4839
- East Tennessee Regional Office: (888) 531-9876

DDA has also established an inbox to assist with application questions: DDA_KBAssist@tn.gov

For questions about your Part B services, please contact your Katie Beckett Case Manager.

For program updates and other DDA news follow DDA on Facebook, X (twitter), and Instagram.