Enabling Technology
Enabling Technology is an innovative way to support people within their home, around their community, and at their work to become more self-sufficient using various off-the-shelf and customized devices, person-centered methods, and remote support technology solutions. Enabling Technology is defined as equipment and/or methodologies that, alone or in combination with associated technologies, provide the means to support individuals’ increased independence in their homes, communities, and/or workplaces. When utilized in a person-centered manner, these technologies have a substantial influence on how Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) can assist people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a more natural, non-segregated environment in order to promote independence, personal development, and additional opportunities for self-determination.
The Enabling Technology Program is available to any person already enrolled in 1915(c) waivers, Employment and Community First (ECF) CHOICES, or CHOICES long-term services and supports programs.
How to Request ET Services:
If you are interested in learning more about Enabling Technology or would like to add Enabling Technology services to your support plan, please contact your Service Coordinator for more information. You may also contact the DDA Enabling Technology program by sending an email to DDA.Enabling.Technology@tn.gov
- Enabling Technology Fundamental Training in Relias - The Enabling Technology Fundamental Training can be accessed through the DDA Relias Learning Management System (LMS) and is available to all HCBS Service Providers. You should contact your agency’s Relias Supervisor to request assistance in assigning the Enabling Technology Relias Training Plan and its corresponding courses to your Relias training transcript. The ET Fundamental Training can be easily found in Relias by going to the Learning Tab>Training Plans>Training Plans List, and then searching for “Enabling Technology”. You will then need to assign the Enabling Technology – Fundamentals training plan.
- Enabling Technology Orientation Training - DDA’s Enabling Technology program is also available to provide an Enabling Technology Orientation training that provides Tennessee specific information about Enabling Technology topics including; ET Services & Supports, Protocols & Procedures, Documentation, and Funding. This training opportunity is available to all HCBS service providers and stakeholders who are interested in learning more about the Enabling Technology Program. The Enabling Technology Orientation usually lasts about 2 hours and is currently being provided virtually through the Microsoft Teams platform. If you are interested in going through this ET Orientation Training, please contact the ET Program at DDA.Enabling.Technology@tn.gov.
- More information about Enabling Technology Training and requirements can be found on the DDA Division of Training website, Training (tn.gov), under “Training Requirements”
- PowerUp Camp: Taking It to the Next Level with Technology – by Cathlyn Smith, Director of Leadership Development, TN Council on Developmental Disabilities – December 2022
- $400 million in American Rescue Plan funds to support those with disabilities – Tennessee Lookout – January 17, 2022
- Remote Supports For People With Disabilities - The Council on Quality and Leadership (c-q-l.org) – June 23, 2020
- New program helps Tennesseans with intellectual disabilities navigate bus routes on their own | Chattanooga Times Free Press – February 29, 2020
- TN Council on Developmental Disabilities - Breaking Ground 104 (tn.gov) – Growing Independence Through Technology – October 2020
- TN Council on Developmental Disabilities - Breaking Ground 99 (tn.gov) – Technology Issue – November 2019
- TN Council on Developmental Disabilities - Breaking Ground 96 (tn.gov) – Using Enabling Technology to Promote Independence – March 2019
Enabling Technology Videos
Watch videos and learn more about Enabling Technology and how it is helping Tennesseans with disabilities live their best life. You may also want to visit our State of TN DDA Enabling Technology YouTube Playlist for more exciting videos to watch.
Contact Information
Milton Neuenschwander
Director of Enabling Technology
(865) 549-7831