Reports & Data
About the Annual Report
Each year, as required, the Department provides an overview of the previous fiscal year through the DDA Annual Report. The Annual Report is a useful publication for stakeholders to learn about the organizational structure and accomplishments of the Department. Updates from all Divisions include data trends and major achievements.
Annual Report Archives
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Systems Data
The Compliance Unit in the Office of Quality Management oversees the collection, analysis and distribution of data related to services and supports provided by DDA. This includes data about census, waiting list, service authorizations, incidents and investigations, complaints, appeals, quality assurance surveys, fiscal accountability reviews and CMS performance measures. The Compliance Unit is also responsible for assuring that all required contract deliverables related to the Statewide, Self Determination and the Arlington/CAC waiver programs are submitted timely and correctly to the Bureau of TennCare.
The DDA Data Management Report (DMR) is produced on a monthly basis over the course of the fiscal year. The DMR is a collaborative report with information submitted by various disciplines throughout DDA. Data for census, waiting list, complaints, service requests and authorizations, reportable event management statistics and quality assurance surveys are compiled for systems review and disseminated to the DDA management, as well as posted to the DDA website. The data is also analyzed quarterly for noted trends.
The Compliance Unit also produces the Quality Management Report on a monthly basis. This report is used by DDA and the Bureau of TennCare management to ensure statewide compliance is consistently meeting or exceeding the requirements of CMS. The Quality Management Report focuses on the compliance percentages of six major performance areas or assurances: Administrative Authority, Level of Care, Health and Welfare, Service Plans, Qualified Providers and Financial Accountability. Each area is comprised of sub assurances and performance measures. Each waiver is reported separately as part of the Quality Management Report. As a CMS requirement, all performance measures must maintain a compliance percentage of 86% or higher. All findings must be remediated to 100% within 30 days of discovery, and performance measures that are repeatedly below the 86% compliance threshold must have a quality improvement plan developed. Below is a composite of DDA’s performance at the assurance level.
Data Management Report Archives
Below you will find our archive of the Data Management Report from the previous years.
The Expect Employment Report is an annual report put together by the Employment First Task Force that not only discusses progress on the state’s current strategic plan, but also celebrates how purpose, progress and partnership have changed the Employment First movement and the state of Tennessee for the better for over more than a decade.
Expect Employment Report
- Expect Employment Report - 2024 (Year 11)
- Expect Employment Report - 2023 (Year 10)
- Expect Employment Report - 2022 (Year 9)
- Expect Employment Report - 2021 (Year 8)
- Expect Employment Report - 2020 (Year 7)
- Expect Employment Report - 2019 (Year 6)
- Expect Employment Report - 2018 (Year 5)
- Expect Employment Report - 2017 (Year 4)
- Expect Employment Report - 2016 (Year 3)
- Expect Employment Report - 2015 (Year 2)
- Expect Employment Report - 2014 (Year 1)
The Tennessee Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman advocates for Tennesseans residing in long-term care facilities, including nursing homes, assisted care living facilities, homes for the aged and adult care homes. Ombudsmen are available to help residents and their families resolve problems and answer questions related to long-term care.
When residents and families cannot resolve their problems through consultation with the facility staff or governmental agencies involved, they may contact their District Ombudsman. District Ombudsmen concerns can include quality of care, financial information, resident rights, admissions, transfer, and discharge.
The 2021-2025 Tennessee State Plan on Aging, as approved by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and submitted to the Administration for Community Living, is available here for public review.
The plan includes all assurances and plans to be conducted by the former Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability (TCAD), now the Department of Disability and Aging (DDA) under provisions of the Older Americans Act. DDA has been given the authority to develop and administer the State Plan on Aging in accordance with all requirements of the Act. The 2021-2025 State Plan on Aging was developed in accordance with all federal statutory and regulatory requirements.
Reports to the Public
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to provide an annual report to the public about the performance of early intervention service (EIS) programs compared to the state’s performance on indicator targets. In Tennessee, EIS programs are defined as the nine TEIS point of entry offices. These offices employ state personnel who oversee referrals from entry into the system through the exit from the system. Responsibilities include eligibility determination and for eligible children, the coordination of the following activities: development of an individual family service plan (IFSP), coordination of early intervention service delivery specified by the IFSP, and transition planning as the child nears age three.
Annual Performance Reports
The Annual Performance Report is a federal report to the Office of Special Education Program (OSEP) on the performance of the state’s early intervention program on several compliances and results indicators of quality.
- TN Annual Performance Report - 2022-23
- TN Annual Performance Report - 2021-22
- TN Annual Performance Report - 2020-21
State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) Reports
The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is a multi-year plan for improving results for children with disabilities served by the early intervention program. The results must be measurable at both an individual child/family level and programmatically.
TEIS's SSIP implementation and evaluation plan for 2022-25 is below. Annual reports of the state's progress can be found in the Annual Performance Report, Indicator 11.
Rank Order Data
The Rank Order reports provide an annual snapshot of the number of infants/toddlers with Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) in each county of the state on December 1st. These reports compare the percent of the population with IFSPs in each county to the state average and the national average. Two reports are available annually, one listing children ages birth to one and the other listing children ages birth to three.
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TEIS Research Application
The TEIS Research Application form is to be completed by any individuals/entities seeking to conduct research in partnership with Tennessee Early Intervention System, including requests for letters of support. Contact with any questions.
This report examines the gaps between the regulatory entities who license residential facilities for elderly and vulnerable adults; identifies the individuals who fall victim to unlicensed facilities; and offers proposed solutions discussed between the State stakeholders.
The 2024 Volunteer Impact Report reflects the outstanding volunteer activity from statewide programs housed at the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. Through our partnerships with the nine local Area Agencies on Aging and Disability, over 200 nutrition sites and more than 120 senior centers, we have gathered the data to share the tremendous impact our programs and volunteers have on the lives of older adults across Tennessee. Our mission is to bring together and leverage programs, resources, and organizations to protect and ensure the quality of life and independence of older Tennesseans and adults with disabilities. Our volunteers help us to achieve this mission every day through their service and dedication to their local communities. We are excited for the future and to show each year the value of our volunteers and the programs they serve.
The Department of Disability and Aging (DDA) is dedicated to working for older Tennesseans and adults with disabilities by providing leadership and guidance for a system that promotes health, dignity, independence, and security through an array of community and in-home services, the protection of rights, and the implementation of best practices.
Are you a Tennessee senior looking for friends, fun, and opportunities to stay active? Then you want a senior center, and chances are you have one near you. Take a look at some of the things Tennessee seniors are doing at centers across the state. Then use our locator to find one close to home.