DRC/CRC Frequently Asked Questions
What does the DRC/CRC program consist of:

What services are available through the program:

How does an offender get referred into the program:
An offender may be court-ordered, referred by the forensic social worker or sanctioned through Community Supervision into the program.
However, once referred program staff must conduct an assessment to ensure that they are a fit for the program. A referral from the judge or by sanction does not guarantee them a spot in the program. The assessment and a DRC/CRC director must make the final decision. It is important that we get the right people in the program.
Some of the qualifications for the program are:
- Must be under TDOC Community Supervision
- Must have at least 2 years left under TDOC supervision
- Must have a substance use issue
How long does it take to complete the program?
Approximately 12 months/1 year and a minimum of 6 months of aftercare. It may take less time or a longer period of time depending on progress of the participant.
Can sex offenders participate in the program?
No. They are not eligible for the program.
Is bus transportation available to each location?
TDOC researched all locations to ensure that each one had an active bus-line available. Jackson, Knoxville and Johnson City will have a TDOC Transportation Grant available as needed. Memphis, Murfreesboro and Davidson County are currently working with transportation to possibly provide bus passes in the future.
Will offenders not enrolled into the DRC program be provided with any services from the program?
Yes. The Community Resource Centers will be a one-stop center to provide services and resources to any offender under the supervision of Community Supervision. The services will also be available to offenders released from a TDOC prison within their first year. Five of the Day Report Centers locations will have the Community Resource Center piece attached to it, with the exception of Memphis. TDOC is partnering with the MSCOR to serve as the CRC for Memphis.