September 24, 2024
10:00 am
Incarcerated Parenting Plan Study Committee Agenda
Pursuant to Public Chapter 1068
September 24, 2024
10:00 A.M. CT
In-Person Location:
William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower
Conference Room F
312 Rosa L Parks Ave
Nashville, TN 37243
Virtual Link:
Via Teams
Meeting ID: 265 271 323 944
Passcode: 9odcgm
1. Welcome-Chairlady Foster
2. Adoption of August Minutes-Chairlady Foster
3. Discussion of Wants, Desires, and Barriers for State Resources for Incarcerated Parents
4. Public Comment
5. Adjournment
This meeting will include members of the governing body who are participating by electronic means of communication.
Individuals wishing to make public comment should either contact Ashley Fuqua at Ashley.Fuqua@tn.gov prior to the meeting or if you participate in the meeting by electronic means, you will be given an opportunity to speak at the conclusion of the meeting’s business. During that time, you will be asked to provide your name. All comments will be limited to 5 minutes.