Quit After Smoking for 25 Years
Submitted by Kelly W. from Human Services
After smoking on and off for about 25 years, I quit on Aug. 9, 2015. I don’t get out of breath when I exert myself like I did when I was smoking, and I feel that I added years to my life.
My 50th birthday was coming up, and I had lost both of my parents in their 50s due to heart disease, so I knew I need to take action to get healthier. Also, my grandmother had bladder cancer, and I had read that smoking can contribute to that.
Money was another big motivational factor. Cigarette prices kept going up, and I counted how much money I was spending. I used the nicotine patches, but I really think you have to be motivated to quit.
My advice for others is you have to make up your mind that you want to quit. Find a reason to quit and make a list. Maybe the reason is for yourself or your children or grandchildren. Think about what you are exposing them to and how much you want to be around to see them grow up. Write down all the reasons you need to quit, and keep it handy so you can look at it when you feel like caving. Find a new habit like walking, gardening, taking up a new sport, just something to keep you occupied and motivated.
I learned that I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit for being. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Nicotine is very addicting; some say it is as bad as using drugs and just as hard to quit. Now, if I could just give up chocolate!