Operations Support
6601 Centennial Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37243-0360
Phone: 615.350.4179
Fax: 615.350.4128
The Operations Support Section is responsible for the testing and evaluation of all new products proposed for use in Tennessee's highway program. In addition, this section also distributes information gained from testing and evaluating these products and maintains the Department's Qualified Products List.. This section also participates in the Product Evaluation and Audit Solutions (Formally NTPEP) coordinated by AASHTO.
Qualified Products Information
Companies desiring to submit products for evaluation must complete a Product Evaluation Submittal Form. In addition, please review the evaluation procedures for other data that is required. These procedures are outlined in the Evaluation Procedures List next to each product description below.
All product submittals MUST BE SENT ELECTRONICALLY to the Product Evaluation email at:
For very large files, photos, and videos, a dropbox may be provided at the same email address or a USB drive can be submitted by mail.
The purpose of the Qualified Products List is to make available to Construction and Maintenance personnel a list of products which perform satisfactorily. Inclusion on the QPL must not be considered as prior approval, and in no way precludes Departmental testing and approval requirements. Products on the QPL are products which have been evaluated and found that they could be acceptable for use, provided all testing and/or certification requirements have been met and provided the products are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Since there is not a QPL covering every type of product, some products which are found to perform satisfactorily are not placed on a Qualified Products List. As the need arises, new QPLs may be developed for some of these products.
The Department reserves the right to reject any product which does not demonstrate satisfactory performance in any of the tests outlined in the Evaluation Procedures. The Department also reserves the right to remove any product from the Qualified Products List that does not perform satisfactorily under real life conditions.
The Department will not accept submittals for products that contain asbestos as defined in
OSHA regulations 29 CFR 1926.1101
The Department may at any time recall all products from a particular list for an information update (name address, product information, specification change, etc.). At the time of update, all products on the chosen list will be documented and a letter will be sent to all listed manufacturers detailing these procedures and the Department’s need to update our information.
The manufacturer will be asked to supply a certified letter stating that no changes have been made to the product since the original product evaluation submittal. If any changes have been made, the product will be evaluated again as per QPL procedures.
If the manufacturer cannot supply this letter due to changes made to their product then the product in question will be evaluated again following all pertinent procedures as per a new submittal.
Manufacturers will be given 3 months’ time from initial mailing to respond to this request. Update letters are to first be mailed to the manufacturers address as it appears on the QPL. If a reply has not been made within 1 month of mailing, or if a letter is undeliverable then an effort will be made to secure a mailing address from any easily assessable source such as the internet or phone call to a contact.
After 3 months’ time, if the manufacturer has not produced the requested information then the product will be removed from the QPL. Any action taken as a result of this update will be recorded in the update spreadsheet.
This publication shall be used in conjunction with the Tennessee Standard Specifications, Maintenance Specifications, Special Provisions, Plans and all supplementary documents effective at the time of usage. Any future corrections, additions or revisions made in the contents of this publication will be forwarded to the holders of this publication so that the publication is maintained up to date.
All Work will be performed and all materials furnished in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, cross-sections, dimensions, and material requirements, including tolerances, as shown on the Plans or as specified.
If materials, or the finished product in which they are used, or various other facets of the Work, are found not to be within reasonably close conformity with the Plans and Specifications, the Engineer will determine if the Work, as performed, is in reasonably close conformity to be adequate for the basic engineering purpose. If adequate, the Engineer may accept the material or work in question subject to an appropriate adjustment in the Contract price, and the materials or work will be permitted to remain in place. If the Engineer rejects the work as unacceptable for the intended purpose, the Contractor shall remove and replace the material or work in question, at no cost to the Department in accordance with Subsection 105.12.
If the material or work is accepted under such conditions, the Engineer will document the basis of acceptance by Change Order providing for an appropriate adjustment in the Contract price or materials as the Engineer deems necessary based on engineering judgment. If the material or work includes predetermined pay factor adjustments, the Engineer will determine the price adjustment based on the measured level of conformance to the specifications. All products must be listed on the Qualified Products List (QPL) and perform as specified at the time of use regardless of Letting date. Any products removed from the QPL or those that do not perform as specified, must be supplied or replaced at the Contractor’s expense.
Qualified Products List
Procedures and Products
Table of Contents
A detailed list of the products for each product category, section, and subsection
Current List of All QPL-Approved Products
A current combined list of all approved products in all Product Categories shown below
(This list is updated on the first day of each month)
Products Added in the Last Month
(This list is updated on the first day of each month)
Products Removed in the Previous 12 Months
(This list is updated on the first day of each month)
The Procedures links below for each Product Category describe the general use, related specifications, procedures for submitting a product, the evaluation criteria for approval and, in many cases, the related pay item numbers.
The Products links below show the products that are currently approved in each Product Category.
Qualified Products List | Procedures | Products | Updated |
1. Traffic Control Materials | Procedures 1 | Products 1 | 01/28/25 |
2. Waterproofing Membranes and Materials | Procedures 2 | Products 2 | 06/03/22 |
3. Structural Steel Coatings | Procedures 3 | Products 3 | 09/13/21 |
4. Concrete Admixtures and Additives | Procedures 4 | Products 4 | 02/04/25 |
5. Joint Sealers and Fillers | Procedures 5 | Products 5 | 10/30/23 |
6. Traffic Control Detection Loop Sealants | Procedures 6 | Products 6 | 05/01/18 |
7. Preformed Compressive Joint Seals with Lubricant Adhesives | Procedures 7 | Products 7 | 01/30/25 |
8. Epoxy Resin Systems | Procedures 8 | Products 8 | 01/30/25 |
9. Elastomeric Bridge Joint and Bridge Joint Systems | Procedures 9 | Products 9 | 03/16/22 |
10. Reflective Sheeting | Procedures 10 | Products 10 | 05/18/23 |
11. Biodegradable Asphalt Solvents | Procedures 11 | Products 11 | 03/20/19 |
12. Coatings for Concrete | Procedures 12 | Products 12 | 01/12/21 |
13. Patching Materials | Procedures 13 | Products 13 | 01/30/25 |
14. Anti-Stripping Additives | Procedures 14 | Products 14 | 02/03/25 |
15. Pre-Packaged Concrete Mixtures | Procedures 15 | Products 15 | 06/24/21 |
16. Pre-Packaged Grout | Procedures 16 | Products 16 | 06/02/22 |
17. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (EPSC) | Procedures 17 | Products 17 | 01/24/25 |
18. Manhole Accessories | Procedures 18 | Products 18 | 01/17/25 |
19. Epoxy Powder for Reinforcing Steel | Procedures 19 | Products 19 | 03/05/24 |
20. Stressed Cable Grouts | Procedures 20 | Products 20 | 12/08/16 |
21. Release Compounds for Asphalt Mixes | Procedures 21 | Products 21 | 05/08/24 |
22. Masonry Anchors | Procedures 22 | Products 22 | 10/30/23 |
23. Concrete Waterproofing | Procedures 23 | Products 23 | 03/21/24 |
24. Concrete Latex Modifiers | Procedures 24 | Products 24 | 09/19/20 |
25. Pressure Injected Epoxy Systems | Procedures 25 | Products 25 | 01/30/25 |
26. Anti-Graffiti Products | Procedures 26 | Products 26 | 10/13/20 |
27. Rebar Accessories | Procedures 27 | Products 27 | 04/17/23 |
28. Pile Accessories | Procedures 28 | Products 28 | 07/15/24 |
29. Flashing Arrow Panels/Arrow Boards | Procedures 29 | Products 29 | 01/06/23 |
30. Portable Changeable Message Signs | Procedures 30 | Products 30 | 07/10/24 |
31. High Friction Surface Treatments for Roadways | Procedures 31 | Products 31 | 03/21/24 |
32. Recycled Plastic Guardrail Blockouts | Procedures 32 | Products 32 | 07/14/22 |
33. MASH or NCHRP-350 TL-3 Approved Sign Post Hardware | Procedures 33 | Products 33 | 05/23/23 |
34. Approved Roadside Safety Hardware (NCHRP-350) | Procedures 34 | Products 34 | 10/04/22 |
35. Pull Boxes/Junction Boxes | Procedures 35 | Products 35 | 04/17/23 |
36. Geotextiles and Geosynthetics |
Procedures 36 | Products 36 | 01/30/25 |
37. ADA Detectable Warning Truncated Domes | Procedures 37 | Products 37 | 01/23/25 |
38. Retaining Wall Systems | Procedures 38 | Products 38 | 03/13/23 |
39. Warm Mix Asphalt | Procedures 39 | Products 39 | 10/04/23 |
40. Pavement Sealers and Treatments | Procedures 40 | Products 40 | 02/27/24 |
41. Rockfall Mitigation | Procedures 41 | Products 41 | 12/08/16 |
42. Spray Applied Liner Material | Procedures 42 | Products 42 | 02/26/21 |
43. Closure Pour Material | Procedures 43 | Products 43 | 09/09/21 |
44. Work Zone Traffic Control Products | Procedures 44 | Products 44 | 04/17/23 |
45. MASH Approved Roadside Safety Hardware | Procedures 45 | Products 45 | 02/06/25 |
46. Miscellaneous | Procedures 46 | Products 46 | 09/07/23 |