August 16, 2021
9:00 am
Senate Room 1 Cordell Hull State Office Building 425 Rep. John Lewis Way N Nashville, TN 37243 Livestream: https://bit.ly/3mcD6HF
I. Gaveling, roll call, business items
Chair Tara Scarlett
II. Overview of goals and agenda
Ms. Jennifer Schiess, Bellwether
III. Recap of previous meetings
Dr. Kelly Foster, Bellwether
IV. Discussion of upcoming legislative and state priorities
Mr. Brian Kelsey, State Senator
Mr. Mark White, State Representative
Dr. Jeff McCord, Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development
V. Discuss feedback on report outline/new ideas
Ms. Jennifer Schiess, BellwetherDr. Kelly Foster, Bellwether
VI. Lunch
VII. Discuss feedback on report outline/ new ideas continued
Ms. Jennifer Schiess, Bellwether
Dr. Kelly Foster, Bellwether
VIII. Vote
IX. Recap next steps
Dr. Kelly Foster, Bellwether
X. Adjourn
Chair Tara Scarlett