Investigative Process
The Investigation
Once the complaint is received, an Office of Professional Accountability investigator or departmental supervisor may contact you to schedule an interview if additional information is needed. All allegations will be thoroughly investigated. Involved employees and all cooperating witnesses will be interviewed during the investigation. Investigations of allegations will be completed even If you, as the complainant, elect to withdraw your complaint.
How Long Does the Process Take?
Although it is impossible to estimate how long the investigation will take, a normal investigation should take no more than 60 days to complete. However, there may be circumstances that will extend the length of time necessary to complete a thorough investigation.
Disposition of Complaint
After a thorough investigation of the complaint, the Office of Professional Accountability will notify you of the outcome.
Responsibility - Ours and Yours
The Department of Safety & Homeland Security views all complaints against its employees very seriously and actively pursues investigation into improper conduct. For this reason, you must ensure that your complaint is based on facts. If you purposely make a false report to this department, you should know that making the false report could result in criminal charges and/or civil liability.
Our Commitment to You
Employees of the Department of Safety & Homeland Security shall strive to be professional and courteous in their dealings with citizens. It is the desire of the Department that all of your contacts with our employees are professional. If not, we will aim to resolve the complaint in a prompt and objective manner.