Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Please tell us if you need assistance with this site because you have a disability or don’t speak English. Free assistance is available. Contact the Family Assistance Service Center Number 866-311-4287 and/or the TTY number at 711. After the recorded message, you will reach an operator who can provide you with an interpreter.

Preventing, Reporting and Stopping EBT Theft and Fraud

The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) is here to ensure Tennesseans have the tools they need to become financially stable and uses Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards to deliver benefits. Unfortunately, some criminals are willing to use card skimming and other tactics to steal aid meant to help families on their way to financial stability. Please Note: TDHS will not call or text message customers to request their EBT card number or pin. If you are contacted by someone by phone, text or email requesting your EBT card information, it could be a scam.

Customers and businesses that use and accept benefits using EBT cards are strongly encouraged to review preventative measures and reporting practices to stop the theft of benefits. Click Here to learn how to prevent, report and stop EBT theft and fraud.

EBT Edge Banner for web

Download the ebtEdge App to Help Protect your Benefits

For SNAP and Families First Customers

The ebtEdge Mobile App and Cardholder Portal are secure options for EBT cardholders who want to easily manage their time, budget and EBT card use.

ebtEdge can help you prevent and stop fraud:

  • Change your PIN regularly
  • Block out-of-state purchases
  • Use Touch ID or facial recognition to log in securely
  • Freeze your account instantly, as needed
  • Request a replacement if your card is lost, stolen or compromised

The ebtEdge mobile app is available from the Apple App Store for iPhone and the Google Play Store for Android devices. For more information, visit:

What is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)? 

Formerly referred to as “food stamps,” the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutritional assistance initiative administered at the state level. In Tennessee, SNAP is managed by the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS).

SNAP can be viewed as a bridge to help Tennesseans reach their full potential as self-sufficient contributing members of our community and economy. At TDHS, we administer SNAP with the belief that you can focus on work, school, and family wellness when you’re well-nourished and don’t have to worry about where your next meal will come from. Excelling at your job, training or higher education can increase career prospects, earning potential, and levels of self-sufficiency. These opportunities can help your family transition from today’s challenges into a brighter future tomorrow. 

Use the menu and information on this page to learn more about SNAP application, eligibility, EBT cards, emergency programing, and other related topics.

Replacement SNAP

There may be occasions when a power outage causes households to lose nutritional resources and Replacement SNAP is needed. To learn more about replacement SNAP and related supports as they are made available, click here.

How Does SNAP Work

Following federal guidelines, SNAP functions by providing qualifying households with a grocery stipend for a set length of time called a certification period. During the certification period, benefits are distributed using an Electronic Benefit Card (EBT) Card. Similar to credit cards, EBT cards can be used at participating stores and online retailers to purchase groceries. The amount of SNAP granted and the SNAP certification period are based on a household’s resources and situation. 

Who Can Receive SNAP

SNAP is available to households (individuals who live and prepare food together) that meet certain qualifications referred to as eligibility criteria. SNAP eligibility takes residency, age and relationship, citizenship, social security number assignment, employment, resource, income, and related deductions factors into consideration. These factors not only determine a household’s eligibility to receive SNAP but also determine if additional documents will be required for a household to maintain SNAP after SNAP approval. Failure to submit required documents such as change forms or Simplified Reporting Forms can result in the cancellation of SNAP benefits.

Click Here to learn more about SNAP eligibility.

An Important Note for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD): The ABAWD time clock resets effective January 1, 2025. An ABAWD is an able-bodied person between the ages of 18 and 54 without dependents in the household. You or any household member between the ages of 18 through 54 may be considered an Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD). An ABAWD can only be eligible for three (3) months of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamp) benefits in a three (3) year period unless they are meeting the SNAP work requirement.

The ABAWD SNAP work requirement is:

  • Work or volunteer with a reputable source at least 20 hours a week (80 hours per month) or more,
  • Participate in a qualified training program for an average of 20 hours per week (80 hours per month) or more, OR
  • Participate in a combination of work, volunteer, and/or training program for an average of 20 hours per week (80 hours per month.

In Tennessee, the new time limit for ABAWD (able-bodied adults without dependents) will begin January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027. The new time limit will allow ABAWDs that have previously exhausted their 3 months to be potentially eligible for 3 months over the new 3 year period.

Where to Use SNAP

SNAP can be used to buy food items at most grocery stores and some online retailers.

Click Here to locate a retailer that accepts SNAP in your area or learn about using SNAP to purchase food online when you Click Here.

For information on what can be purchased with SNAP, Click Here to visit the USDA Eligible Food Items page.  

Applying for SNAP

You can apply for SNAP by completing and submitting a SNAP application online OR you may submit a printed application by uploading or mailing a printed application to TDHS. To receive a printed application, you may contact your local office to have an application mailed to you or Click Here download a SNAP application in the language of your choosing.

TDHS also works with local organizations, agencies, and advocates across Tennessee to share information about SNAP and provide application support. The State's Outreach partners can provide pre-screening and application assistance for individuals and families. To find a SNAP Outreach partner near you, click here. 

After you submit your SNAP application, other documentation and actions may be required to process your application and maintain your benefits. Click Here to learn more about the SNAP application process and related form and documentation requirements.

Preparing to Apply for SNAP

To receive SNAP benefits, applicants are required to submit copies of personal records (verification documents) that demonstrate a need for SNAP. These eligibility verification documents should include copies of record/document that show proof of the following:

  • Social Security Number (Example: Social Security Card)
  • Your Identification (Example: driver’s license, school ID with photo, passport, resident alien card, I-94 card, voter’s registration card)
  • Where you live (Example: lease agreement, utility bill, phone bill, or driver’s license with your address on it)  
  • Income (Example: check stubs, employer statement, award letters)
  • Resources (Example: bank statements, title, registration, or deed)
  • Shelter costs (Example: mortgage payments, property tax, homeowner’s insurance, rent receipt, lease agreement)
  • Cost of utilities (Example: electric bill, water bill, gas bill)

It’s best to have copies of these documents ready for submission when you apply for SNAP. Submitting verification documents within 10 days of applying for SNAP can help the application process go smoothly and may prevent delays. You may also be asked to provide more information during an eligibility interview. Click Here to learn more about SNAP eligibility.   

Uploading documents using the One DHS Customer Portal or resources at a TDHS office can reduce the application processing times. Customers who choose to mail information to TDHS as part of the application, verification or reporting process should send copies of personal records and avoid sending original documents as documents may not be returned.  

Click here for a brief instructional video on how to create an account and apply for services via the One DHS Customer Portal or Download an instruction sheet.

After You Receive SNAP Approval

Once you’re approved for SNAP, you may be required to submit additional forms or copies of documents to maintain SNAP according to your SNAP classification. Failure to submit your documentation on time could prevent you from receiving SNAP, result in a termination of SNAP benefits or force you to restart the application process.

To help you maintain your benefits after approval, we encourage you to Click Here to visit the Applying for Services page and view step-by-step instructions for receiving and maintaining SNAP in Tennessee. You can also use the links below to download a checklist to use as an “at home” guide to track the progress of your SNAP case and manage associated deadlines and document requirements.

SNAP Application Checklists

Reaching Self Sufficiency

SNAP is one tool administered by TDHS to help Tennesseans reach their full potential. Our hope is that by the end of your certification period, you will reach a point where you no longer need SNAP and are able to care for your household independently without outside support. Use the links below to learn about other Tennessee resources that can empower you:

Employment and Education Resources

Family Resources

Nutritional Resources

Family Assistance Website and Call Center Graphic

Have Questions About SNAP?

If you have questions, answers about SNAP are just a click or a call away.

Visit a Questions Page
Find many of the answers you’re looking for when you Click Here to visit the TDHS Family Assistance Frequently Asked Questions page. Additional answers about SNAP are also available on the Ask USDA page when you Click Here.

Use Case Connect
You can find information about your case by checking CaseConnect in the One DHS Customer Portal. Click here to visit the One DHS Customer portal, or click here to learn more about it.

Chat With Us - Click Here
Ava, the Tennessee Department of Human Services Virtual Assistant can direct you to the answers for many of your questions and provide points of contact to speak to TDHS workers regarding your case. Look for the “Chat with Ava” image on the lower right side of this page, or click here to chat and find the answers you need.

Call the Family Assistance Service Center
Phone: 866-311-4287

Find Us on Social @TNHumanServices
Many updates are shared via our social media pages and messaging. Find us on FacebookLinkedIn, or Twitter to discover updates on TDHS programs, or visit our YouTube for informative videos about TDHS programming.

Contact Your Local Office 
TDHS has offices to serve all 95 counties in Tennessee and can be reached via phone or visited by scheduled appointment.  Click Here for a list of TDHS office locations.

We Want to Hear From You!

Customer Chat 

Need help finding the right information? Click here, or  the chat icon in the red circle located in the lower right corner of this screen to find many answers related to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP), Families First Program and contact information.

Reports and Information:

TDHS is currently reviewing and revising its SNAP policies in order to simplify, streamline, and ensure the documents reflect our current best practice. While the initial policy review and revision is conducted, there may be some conflicts or incongruence between some portions of the policy manual and the new or revised policies. If you have questions related to SNAP policies please email

View SNAP Policy Manual and documents by clicking here.

The non-discrimination section of the SNAP Policy Manual has been replaced by

1.01 Civil Rights Complaints,
1.04 Limited English Proficiency Guidelines,
1.05 Reasonable Modifications, and
24.00 Rights and Responsibilities of SNAP Applicants

Ensuring a Fair Quality Process

To ensure the SNAP application process is conducted fairly in accordance with federal guidelines, a SNAP Quality Control Review is in place.  Click Here to learn more.

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English.  Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the agency (state or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (833) 620-1071, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to:

  1. Mail:
    Food and Nutrition Service, USDA
    1320 Braddock Place, Room 334
    Alexandria, VA 22314; or
  2. Fax:
    (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
  3. Email:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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