Davidson County Stories

George B.
How has COVID-19 impacted your personal and/or professional life?
As a pastor, I have worked harder during the pandemic than normal. We have held our worship services in the sanctuary throughout the pandemic. However, I had to do the singing and the preaching from the fifth Sunday in March to the Second Sunday in June 2020. This was during the time that only ten people could be in the sanctuary. When the attendance could be twenty-five in the sanctuary, we moved to four Sunday morning worship services from the third Sunday in June to the second Sunday in September 2020.
Since the third Sunday in September 2020, we have had three worship services. We have sought to accommodate as many members who want to be in the sanctuary as possible and be safe. We will probably move back to our regular Sunday morning worship times of 8:00 and 11:00 and Sunday School in July.
I have also done about 15 funerals during the pandemic. We could only have six family members present for the funeral of one of the members, since the maximum capacity was ten people. I did several funerals where only 25 family members could be present. Families have had to grieve in a different way during the pandemic.
Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine? If so, what and/or who was your inspiration or reason for receiving it?
I received my vaccine in January and the second in February. The Metro Health Department has administered the vaccine at our church on two occasions. The only motivation I needed to get the vaccine was the presence of COVID-19.

Iris N.
How has COVID-19 impacted your personal and/or professional life?
COVID-19 has impacted me tremendously. Being locked down has not been my thing! I am a people person and crave physical connections. However, I am an elder and live in a community with other elderly and vulnerable populations. Many of us have pre-existing conditions. I've had to keep our safety in mind so I decided to follow the guidelines that were provided.
Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine? If so, what and/or who was your inspiration or reason for receiving it?
I received both doses. My inspiration has been my family. I have two granddaughters that live in another state. I'd love to see them soon and can't wait for that opportunity. I look forward to receiving them when they can take a flight to Nashville.

Miguel R.
How has COVID-19 impacted your personal and/or professional life?
COVID-19 has impacted my personal life in many ways. I have a respiratory disease and had to take my condition seriously. The idea of knowing I could no longer be here if I was infected with the disease was challenging. I could not go where I wanted to go without being at risk. I knew I had to be more careful and diligent for myself and for others. I had plans to go back to Puerto Rico to spend time with loved ones. Our safety is what was most important so we had to put those desires aside.
Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine? If so, what and/or who was your inspiration or reason for receiving it?
I have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. My inspiration was my own health and safety along with my need to re-establish relationships and connections with my children and loved ones.

Euralia S.
How has COVID-19 impacted your personal and/or professional life?
COVID-19 has damaged relationships and limited all types of contact with the population we serve.
Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine? If so, what and/or who was your inspiration or reason for receiving it?
I received both doses of the vaccine. My inspiration has been connections with my loved ones. I've wanted to hug and kiss them without putting them at risk. Another reason I received the vaccine is to demonstrate support for my community. I wanted them to know how important it is for all of us to protect ourselves and our loved ones.