Division of Remediation
On April 10, 2024, the United States Environmental Protection Agency released a final rule that established Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). More information is available on EPA's website.
In December 2024, the United States Environmental Protection Agency released a final rule that set a 10-year phaseout for the use of Perchloroethylene (PCE) in dry cleaning. More information is available on EPA's website for the phase out of PCE.
About the Division of Remediation
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation's Division of Remediation (DOR) identifies and investigates hazardous substance sites, then uses practical and effective remedies to stabilize, remediate, contain, monitor, and maintain these sites. These efforts minimize threats to public health, safety, and the environment. Below you will find information on the various duties and programs within DOR.
You can request Division of Remediation records or research sites on our Records Request and Data Viewer page. You can also Contact Us.
TN Clean is a state-funded initiative managed by the Division of Remediation to remediate Non-National Priorities List (Non-NPL) sites on the Tennessee GASB 49 list.
A brownfield is a property that is vacant or underutilized due to contamination or the perception of contamination. TDEC has assistance programs to help with Federal or State brownfield grant applications.
The Brownfields Voluntary Cleanup Oversight and Assistance Program (VOAP) works with the public to assist in the re-use and revitalization of brownfields in Tennessee. We also provide assistance with Brownfields Grant applications.
All drycleaners who are operating in the state of Tennessee must register with the Drycleaner Environmental Response Program, also known as DCERP. Active drycleaners and former drycleaners can also enter DCERP to help clean up property contaminated by drycleaning solvent.
The abuse and manufacture of illegal methamphetamine continues to be a statewide epidemic in Tennessee. TDEC's Division of Remediation develops rules to determine when a property is 'Safe for Human Use' again.
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s (TDEC) Division of Remediation Oak Ridge office monitors the Oak Ridge Reservation to ensure that there is no threat to public health and the environment from the federal Department of Energy (DOE) activities on the reservation. Division staff also oversee DOE’s cleanup of contamination resulting from decades of nuclear weapons production and other site missions.
The Division of Remediation has many ongoing projects and many successful projects as well . This section highlights a few of Remediation's efforts at restoring Tennessee's environment and protecting human health.
The Division of Remediation is constantly working on projects. These are just a few of our ongoing projects.
The Division of Remediation maintains a database that allow the public to identify sites that are or have been under the supervision of Division of Remediation.
Visit this page to view current Division of Remediation public notices and hearings.
This section provides the promulgated list of Inactive Substances Sites.
Our offices are open Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm local time except holidays. If you are interested in discussing a site or a program with us, please contact us.
If it is hard for you to read, speak, or understand English, please see our Language Assistance webpage for more information about our free language assistance services.
This Page Last Updated: January 29, 2025 at 10:23 AM