Whiteville Correctional Facility

Photo of Warden Chance Leeds

Warden Chance Leeds


1440 Union Springs Road

P.O. Box 679

Whiteville, Tennessee 38075

(Hardeman County)

(731) 254-9400

*Use P.O. Box 679 for inmate correspondence.

Whiteville Correctional Facility (WCFA) is a time-building prison with a security designation of minimum to medium. WCFA is managed by CoreCivic, a private corrections management firm.

The prison offers cognitive-behavioral residential substance use programs. Other programs include anger management, life skills, family counseling, and pre-release counseling.

Academic programs include HiSet (High School Equivalency Diploma) and Adult Basic Education. Vocational programs include Building Trades, Carpentry, Career Management of Success (CMS), Electrical, HVAC, and Construction Core.