Rules & Regulations

Any person with affiliated involvement in fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical services, emergency management activities, building codes or fire codes enforcement or allied professionals are eligible to apply for Academy courses. The applicant must be at least eighteen years of age to apply.

The Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy is an Equal Opportunity Institution. It does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religious belief, national origin, or disability in its admission and student-related policies and procedures.

Dormitory accommodations are available on campus on a first come, first served basis. Rooms are private with semi-private bathroom facilities. Male and female students will not share room or semi-private bathroom facilities.  Bed linens, towels, and soap are provided along with an alarm clock radio and telephone.  Any questions or concerns can be addressed by contacting the Hospitality Manager at 931-294-4205.

Lodging fees are $68.25 per night for in-state students, unless otherwise noted. This fee includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, unless otherwise indicated. Check-in is after 4pm on the day you are to arrive, and check-out is by 8am the day you are to leave. After hours check-ins, including weekend check-ins, can be done with the security guard. After hours check-ins, including weekends, are conducted with the security guard located at the front gate. Only students enrolled for training may stay in the dormitory, unless previously approved by the Executive Director. On site security is responsible for the safety, conduct and security of dorm occupants, and will be available to assist students during non-training hours. If students need to return to their room during class hours, permission must be granted by the course instructor.

Check-out is by 8:00 a.m. the last day of class and room keys must be deposited in the key drop located at the registration building before attending class. Failure to return the key before class or using the room after the designated check out time may result in additional room charges. Lost keys may incur additional charges as well.

Dormitory furnishings are the property of the State of Tennessee. Rooms are inspected prior to student arrival and upon student departure. Any damaged or missing property will be charged to the student(s) responsible, and/or official(s) of the student’s sponsoring agency. A request for admission to the Academy will be construed as an implied consent to any investigations and/or searches that may become necessary. Proper authorities will conduct these investigations and searches. It is the guest's responsibility to lock their dorm rooms when not in use. The State is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

All dorm residents shall conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times, taking care that their activities do not interfere with the study or sleep of other residents.

Dormitory visitors will be allowed only between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Upon arrival, all visitors MUST check in at the guard station and receive a visitor’s pass. All visitor passes must be turned in by 9:00 p.m.

The Academy grounds will be secured at 5:00 p.m. All personnel will be required to show proper identification for re-entry after gates are closed. Security checks will be made of the Academy complex continuously during the night.

For students staying on campus, breakfast, lunch and dinner meal charges are included in the dormitory fee.

On Campus meal rates for In-State Firefighters or TN or Federal Government, and Live Burn Weekend

Breakfast $8.00      Lunch $11.25     Dinner $9.00

Industry/Out of State Firefighters

Breakfast  $10.00    Lunch $12.00    Dinner $17.00 

In the event of emergency, students may be contacted at the Academy’s toll free number, 1-800-747-8868, during regular business hours. After hours, please contact the TFACA security office at 615-418-4438

All types of mail correspondence for students should be addressed as follows:

Student Name (Course ID)
2161 Unionville-Deason Rd.
Bell Buckle, TN 37020

Students who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must make this request at the time of registration and must provide the Registrar with sufficient documentation verifying disability. Eight (8) dormitory rooms have been designed to meet disability standards. Students may request additional time for the written examinations or receive oral rather than written examinations. (Oral examinations for firefighter certification are not allowed.)

The Academy does not assume any responsibility for loss, theft, or damage of personal items.

All drivers of personal vehicles on campus will obey all state laws, rules and traffic signs. If you are traveling in a vehicle, you must be seated in an approved riding position before the vehicle starts to move and remain seated until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. No exceptions.

It is the policy of the Academy that no individual shall be allowed to stand, sit or in any manner ride in or on the truck bed, sidewalls or tailgate of any moving vehicle on Academy property, regardless of vehicle ownership. Students driving 2- to 4-wheel vehicles must wear helmets, as specified by state law.

Weapons of any type and/or explosives are prohibited on Academy grounds except as may be specifically required to conduct official training. This includes, but is not limited to firearms, ammunition, knives, blasting agents, and/or fireworks. Commissioned law enforcement officers may retain their weapons while attending specific related training. All prudent safety measures regarding the weapon are the responsibility of the law enforcement official.

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on facility grounds. Student under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance may not participate in Academy training programs. This includes narcotics or any other agent that may impair judgment or physical ability to participate. Some prescription medications may have such an effect, and could interfere with or prevent class participation. Students who may be using such medication should inform the instructor for a determination of safe participation. Any student/visitor found with or under the influence, may face disciplinary actions.

State law prohibits the use of any type of tobacco products inside all buildings on campus (including dorm rooms). Designated outside smoking areas are provided. Please use proper containers for disposal.

Campers and RV’s for overnight sleeping are not allowed. Vehicle parking is allowed in marked spaces only. Refrain from parking in spots designated for Fire Apparatus.

A weight and exercise room is available for the student’s use. Use of the exercise room is encouraged; however, for safety reasons, it is highly recommended that students have a spotter. Before beginning any exercise program activity, the individual should seek the advice of their personal physician. Students unaccustomed to using an exercise room should seek the assistance of a staff instructor, or you may refer to NFPA 1583 – Health-Related Fitness Programs for Fire Fighters.

A coin operated laundry room is available for student’s use in the Registration building.

Academy administration officials will review all infractions committed by students. These include, but are not limited to: violations of established Academy guidelines, violation of law(s), gambling or possession of illegal substances; disorderly conduct, racial or sexual slurs or harassment; profane, obscene or vulgar language, damage to property or any action that interferes with training or endangers the safety of any individual. A determination that a student has committed a violation may result in dismissal from the Academy. Safety in all Academy operations is of utmost importance. Conduct interfering with safety will not be tolerated.

Grievances should be made in writing to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will determine the appropriate action. All decisions are final.

It is each student’s responsibility to use good judgment in selecting attire that projects a professional image and is appropriate for both climate changes and classroom activities or practical training. The staff of the Academy has the authority to make a determination as to whether a student’s attire may be deemed inappropriate. Students whose attire is determined to be inappropriate will be required to change before being allowed to continue class. Inappropriate attire consists, but is not limited to, rude or vulgar quotations imprinted on shirts, obscene pictures on clothing, jeans with revealing holes or tears, etc. Tube tops, halter tops, spandex, sweat pants, sleeveless shirts, ball caps, open toe sandals, flip-flops, bathing suits, etc. are not permitted in classrooms. The exception to this dress codes rule is that shorts may be permitted if part of the standard-issued department business day uniform.

Ill or injured students/visitors must report immediately to the instructor or your Academy contact. An incident report must be completed on all injuries regardless of nature. Students are required to be covered by the agency they represent with Worker’s Compensation Insurance or private insurance coverage. The Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy does not provide Worker's Compensation or medical insurance coverage for students, and assumes no liability or responsibility for illness or injury experienced while attending or participating in Fire Service and Codes Enforcement programs.

All students must participate in every aspect of training. Failure to participate may result in an “failed” grade in the course. Certain fire service courses involve intense physical exertion and/or physical fitness training activities. Students participating in these courses should meet the physical and medical requirements for firefighters as identified in the following standards: NFPA1500 - Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program and NFPA 1582 – Medical Requirements for Fire fighters and Information for Fire Department Physicians. Participation may cause elevated body temperature, increased pulse, respiration and blood pressure; and may cause mental stress, affecting the student’s ability to react quickly to emergency situations.

Persons with known heart or lung disease, hypertension, pregnancy or other conditions that may put them at increased risk of injury or illness are advised to check with their physician before participating in any of these activities.
Due to the strenuous work requirements in some of the courses offered, the Academy recommends that participants secure a professional evaluation of their physical condition through their personal or departmental physician, prior to enrolling in those courses.

Some classes require the student to provide a signed physician’s physical exam and release, and/or a personal physical waiver before class participation. Students will be notified when registering for a course requiring medical certification.

To successfully complete a course, the student must participate and adequately perform all required training activities. It is the student’s sponsoring organization’s responsibility to ensure the individual is medically and physically fit to perform firefighting activities based upon applicable state and national standards.

Classroom disruption by communication devices will not be tolerated. Please turn off the device or place it on vibrate while in class, if necessary.

Certain fire service classes require the student to provide and wear personal protective equipment (PPE). For classes involving “live” firefighting training activities beyond the incipient fire level, students are required to have: firefighter protective clothing consisting of bunker coat and pants, boots, helmet, gloves, hood, positive pressure SCBA and PASS device, all conforming to NFPA, OSHA, or NIOSH standards. The Academy will have a limited amount of PPE, SCBA’s and PASS devices for use in class for departments that can’t supply these items. Arrangements to use Academy personal protective equipment must be made prior to class.

Other courses may require certain levels of personal protective equipment. All equipment must meet NFPA, OSHA, NIOSH or other applicable standards.

All outside groups/agencies must complete all paperwork as required for admittance on facility grounds. Each participant must sign a Waiver of Liability prior to participation.

The Academy bookstore is located in the Classroom Building and is open during normal business hours each week. 

We strive to make your visit to the Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy a satisfying experience. Any facility suggestions, comments or complaints may be forwarded to:
Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy
Attn: ____________ (TFACA Contact name)
2161 Unionville-Deason Road 
Bell Buckle, TN 37020
Fax: 931-294-4121