Codes Program

The Codes Enforcement Program at the Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy is committed to delivering quality codes enforcement training programs to local codes enforcement personnel.  To ensure that TFACA programs are accessible to all personnel, classes are offered in metropolitan areas, as well as the bucolic settings of some of Tennessee’s finest state parks.  By bringing training courses directly to various locations, all regions are within a short drive of a challenging and stimulating discourse of relevant and timely topics.  The goal and constant emphasis of this regional program is to provide the best instruction available to the codes enforcement community of Tennessee.

Individual codes enforcement departments, local area construction trade organizations and professional organizations may request on-site delivery of any of the TFACA’s codes enforcement training programs previously listed in this course catalog.  Offered primarily in a one-day format, courses consist of excerpts that are listed in this publication or requested specialty classes focusing on one major topic.  These courses provide a broad range of training and educational opportunities that are geared for the inspector, design professional or contractor, who may not be able to be away from the office for an extended leave of time.  In additional to our traditional on day classes, we have expanded the Regional Program to also include multi-day classes.

Questions regarding Codes Enforcement program schedules, class presentations or additional information regarding your training needs, contact the Codes Enforcement Program Supervisor Laurie Sharp at 865.266.0652 or

International Coded Council Preferred Provider