About Us
Our Goals and Objectives
The Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance, State Fire Marshal's Office has officially opened its Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy. The facility's unique dual curriculum of fire service and codes enforcement training is a combination found nowhere else in the country.
The academy's focus on both fire service and codes enforcement establishes it as a regional center for the training, testing and certification of codes enforcement officials, firefighters and other homeland security first responders. Mock inspections of complex multi-story structures and live-fire search and rescue missions are some of the lifelike scenarios students will be guided through by the academy's experienced training personnel.
The $27 million, 15-building facility features dedicated structures for realistic fire and codes training simulations. Fire service students will have the opportunity to train in a computer-controlled, six-story burn tower with propane-ignited fire props that aid in teaching fire suppression techniques for various building types, including theaters, offices and hotels. Codes enforcement trainees will conduct mock inspections in a two-story codes prop house that purposely fails to comply with building codes to aid students in the identification of building violations.
Located on 330 acres in northern Bedford County, the academy also includes a hands-on training center with specialized laboratories, modern classrooms, a research library, a mock courtroom and a three-bay fire station for up to 24 recruit firefighters. The academy's full-service campus offers overnight accommodations for as many as 104 students and a 250-person dining facility.
Our Mission
To plan, deliver and facilitate education and training that promotes professionalism and competency of fire service and codes enforcement personnel through a standardized statewide program, thereby enhancing the individual and collective ability to protect life and property of Tennessee citizens.
To enhance the safety of every Tennessean from the hazards of fires, natural disasters and terrorist acts, by providing state-of-the-art training to fire fighters, other emergency first responders and codes enforcement personnel.
To deliver our training in an affordable diversified format, so as to serve the needs of both urban and rural students.
To develop partnerships with both public and private sector organizations to facilitate the furtherance of our mission.